Saturday, March 25, 2017

News Wrap Up

Boy, what a week it's been. Between the hearings of SCJ nominee Neil Gorsuch, the Nunes report confirming surveillance of Trump & Co. and the failure to repeal and replace O'Care, it's been one for the record books.

So before the next big political drama hits, I thought I'd write a bit about it all while there's still a minute or two to breathe!

First. About SC nominee Neil Gorsuch.

Though the Dems plan on filibustering his nomination, I don't think it will work to prevent his confirmation.

Yes, they'll make a big stink,  get a lot of press and make their base temporarily happy.  But in the end he'll be our next SC Justice.

How could he not? He's got incredible credentials,  is a constitutionalist and was able to withstand the grilling with a cool and calm demeanor.

If there were any dirty secrets known about him,  we would have heard by now.

So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that even if we have to go the Nuclear Option route, Gorsuch will be confirmed. Then we'll have a NON-ACTIVIST SCJ who will sit on the bench for years to come and do Antonin Scalia justice.


The Nunes bombshell that said, YES, Trump and Company have been surveilled.  I think there's a lot more to come out that will prove without a doubt that Obama's people are behind it all.

Of course, it's not going to be easy.

Already the Dems are planning on how to punish Nunes. 

And no doubt, they'll do their best to obsfucate any part they played in the process along with trying to protect Obama, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice & Co. All named by Trey Gowdy as possibly having involvement.

Then it'll go round and round for awhile.  In the end however, I'm pretty sure the veil will be lifted and justice will be served.


The failure of Paul Ryan to bring together the disparate factions of the republican party to a majority vote to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

My thinking is that it is not the major catastrophe the media are making it out to be. And though the Dems are jumping up and down in glee due to what they see as a win for them, they won't be for long.

If O'Care remains in place and implodes. Well so be it.

It may just be the slap in the face some need in order to get their rears in gear and finally fix things. Though this route would not be my preference, it may end up being the only way to repealing a plan that simply does NOT work.

What I'd truly like to see, once the dust settles a bit and before the ACA totally blows up, is a brand new plan.

One that COMPLETELY repeals the ACA. Tear it up. Burn it. And let it be just a blip in the history books.

Then put together a new bill that still takes care of those sincerely in need re: Medicaid/Medicare but gives more power to the states and then pretty much lets the free markets take over.

As I've written a million times before, competition is good.  It works for car, house and other forms of insurance, so why not health insurance? The less government's involved, the better and more efficient.

Will a complete repeal ever realistically happen?

Somehow I doubt it.

But we can at least try and come as close to getting rid of as many mandates, penalties, government interference and control and subsidies as possible. Which will then let people buy plans across state lines, have health savings accounts or devise whatever  plan works best for them and their wallets.

Isn't that the American way? Freedom of choice and not having the government dictate what you can and can not do in every aspect of your life?


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