Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Dems Are At It Again...

I don't think there's a day that passes where the LEFT isn't plotting and/or planning about how to bring President Trump and his administration down. It's endless. It's relentless. It's disgusting. And they're not going away.

The latest? That Jeff Sessions, head of the DOJ has been in touch with the Russians when he shouldn't have been. As a consequence, they are now asking him to step down.

Even some Republicans are insisting on this.

When will it all end? And who's next on the hit list?

For the full story, here's an article by the NYT's. However, take it with a grain of salt as we all know it's not beyond them or other MSM outlets to print and report inaccurate stories or as The Donald blatantly calls it, Fake News.


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