Monday, January 30, 2017

Rasmussen Poll On Trump's Refugee Temporary Ban

A majority of Americans approve of the temporary ban of refugees and visitors traveling to the U.S. from the 7 countries known to host terrorists ie Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Yemen. Note these are the 7 countries whom former President Obama had on his terror watch list, yet he's now complaining that POTUS Trump's moratorium is discriminatory.

Here's the actual numbers from the Rasmussen poll which were taken over the phone and online.

57% support the temporary ban
33% are opposed
10% are undecided

Yet, if you watch MSM ie ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS or read the WaPo, NYT's, etc. you would think our entire country was against it. 

Donald Trump Is The First President To Turn Postmodernism Against Itself

The above title was taken from an extremely thought provoking essay written by Federalist contributor David Ernst on Donald Trump. It discusses how he came to win the presidency, how he continues to battle those who are trying their best to destroy him and how he will probably continue to break all barriers and blast past political correctness like no one else before him. Click on the link below to read.

David Ernst is a graduate from the Institute of World Politics, which as defined by Wikipedia as follows:

"is a graduate school of national security, intelligence, and international affairs. It was founded in 1990 and is located in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

According to its mission statement, the school 's intent is to develop leaders in the intelligence, national security, and diplomatic communities, while teaching the ethical exercise of statecraft.

The curriculum exposes students to the full spectrum of international realities, including history, political culture, current and potential threats, and the strategic role of ideas, values, and belief systems in world politics."

To learn more about the World Institute click on the link below. Pretty impressive organization.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Voter Fraud

President Trump has said he wants to look into possible voter fraud. Many in the MSM and the Left have dismissed this as a paranoid witch hunt by our current POTUS.

But here's an article by the Washington Times that says otherwise.

Note Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch is quoted as saying "A federal voter fraud investigation is long overdue."

Gotta agree.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

We're All Americans

While visiting D.C. a Texas dentist enjoyed a meal at a local venue. He was white. His waitress was black. Read what happened. Very short article and so inspiring!

Omarosa Rips Reports On Struggle In Trump WH

The above title was taken from a link I received from FoxNews via Twitter. Worth the few minutes watching.

The Donald Is On A Roll !

Wow. Talk about being on a roll and getting things done as promised. The Donald, now our 45th POTUS is not losing any time doing what he said he was going to do!

First, as reported on Drudge, the Dow has now hit 20,000! No doubt partially due to the fact that our current president is creating a business friendly environment.

But what else has President Trump been up to since taking a seat in the Oval Office?

Here's a excerpt from the ...

"with a pen stroke, President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, imposed a federal hiring freeze, and reinstated the “Mexico City policy” on defunding international abortion-related services."
Keep in mind, the federal hiring freeze does NOT include the military and national security departments.
The POTUS has also begun the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act, moved forward on the Dakota - Keystone XL oil pipelines, has plans to meet with British PM Theresa May, talked with Netanyahu, mended fences with the CIA, met with Union Leaders & CEO's of American car companies and as stated in Business Insider, is expected to sign an executive order to begin funding and construction of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.  The list goes on and on.
Talk about an activist president and one who is actually following through on his campaign promises!
Go Trump!


Sunday, January 22, 2017

President Donald J. Trump

Phew! I can finally say it.  After over 18 months of campaigning, Donald J. Trump is now the 45th president of the U.S.

And what a race it was. One of the most challenging I can ever remember.

But now it's over and the Trumpster is president and I'm thrilled.

However, I have to say it took awhile to get to this Point. Like many others, I originally thought that he was too thin skinned, petty, vindictive and a bit over the top. Plus he's a businessman, so how could he possibly compete with those who really know how to play the political game?

Of course, I, like so many others completely underestimated The Donald. Turns out he played it better than the other 16 politicians who have had years of experience.

So now when I look back at all the other candidates (with the exception of Ted Cruz) they pale in comparison and were not what the country wanted or really needed. If one of the others had won, we'd be running in place, getting no where fast and the Democrats would still be ruling the roost. And our country would continue on its downward spiral.

Even though I still cringe sometimes at the POTUS' choice of words or some of his tweets, I realize now, they're a small price to pay for a man who is a fighter,  has a good chance of turning this country around and banishing the socialism that has gradually taken over.

We needed someone bold and brash and who wasn't afraid to challenge the status quo. Who would NOT back down. Who could apply good, basic business skills to government. Who has new and fresh ideas on how to move forward and turn the ship around into a more positive and prosperous direction.

The Donald may not be as polished as some would like & he'll definitely make mistakes, but I believe he truly wants to do right by our country.

How do I know this for sure?

His inauguration speech, It sealed the deal for me.

President Trump took on Obama (without mentioning his name), the Dems & the MSM all while they were sitting right in the same room with him. He had no problem finger pointing about who was responsible for the mess our country is in.

That took courage of conviction and strength of character.

He also promised that he has our back. That he'll put America first. That he'll keep his promises. That he won't back down to those who want nothing more than to crush his presidency and thus the dreams of the American people who put him there.

President Trump didn't have to say any of the above. He could have easily filled his inaugural speech with empty rhetoric. But he did little of that. Instead he made bold statements and promises and called out those who would continue to hurt our country at the expense of those who elected them.

I'd like to end this entry with my favorite quote from The Donald's speech.

"When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."

Hear, hear Mr. President!

For a transcript of President Trump's inaugural speech, click below.

You Don't Speak For Me ...

Below is a post shared on Facebook in regard to yesterday's Women's March. So well said ... and yes, the woman who wrote this, DOES speak for me.

"So for those of you that missed it I reposted a poignant, non profanity laced, post about how those women yesterday did not speak for me and many women like me.... I also posted about how I was treated by those women yesterday while I was wearing my Trump Jacket. Apparently FaceBook feels women like me should not be heard and removed my post. Well I will be heard and I will continue to post and repost. #pursueyourevolution #youdonotspeakforme #FACEBOOKCENSORSHIPISBS #silentmajority

 I am not a "disgrace to women" because I don't support the women's march.

 I do not feel I am a "second class citizen" because I am a woman. I do not feel my voice is "not heard" because I am a woman. I do not feel I am not provided opportunities in this life or in America because I am a woman. I do not feel that I "don't have control of my body or choices" because I am a woman. I do not feel like I am "not respected or undermined" because I am a woman. I am not a "victim" because you say I am.

 I AM a woman.
I can make my own choices.
I can speak and be heard.
I can VOTE.
I can work if I want.
I control my body.
I can defend myself.
I can defend my family. 

There is nothing stopping me to do anything in this world but MYSELF.
I do not blame my circumstances or problems on anything other than my own choices. Sometimes in life, we don't always get what we want. I take responsibility for myself.
I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am not held back in life. There are walls I choose not to go over, and those are of my own personal choice.

 Quit blaming.
Take responsibility.

If you want to speak, do so. But do not expect me, as a woman, to take you seriously wearing a pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men.

 If you have beliefs, and speak to me in a kind manner, I will listen. But do not expect me to change my beliefs to suit yours. Respect goes both ways.

 If you want to impress me, especially in regards to women, speak about the real injustices and tragedies that affect women in foreign countries who do not have the opportunities or even the means to have their voices heard.

In Saudi Arabia the women can't drive. They have few rights and must always be covered.
In China and India there's infantcide of baby girls.
In Afghanistan there's few educational opportunities for women.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo women's rapes are absolutely brutal and the women are left to die, or become HIV infected and left to care for their children alone.
In Mali the women can not escape the torture of genital mutilation.
In Pakistan, in tribal areas, the women are gang raped to pay for men's crime.
In Guatemala the impoverished female underclass face domestic violence, rape and are listed as the second-highest rate of HIV/AIDS, right after sub-Saharan Africa. An epidemic of gruesome unsolved murders has left hundreds of women dead with some of their bodies left with hate messages. What about the 7 year old girls being sold or married off to 60 year old men, or the millions of women sold and bought into sex trafficking?

And that's just a few examples.

 So when women get together in AMERICA and whine that they don't have equal rights and march in their clean clothes, after eating a hearty breakfast, and it's probably a vacation away from a comfy warm place of residence... "

This WOMAN does not support it.

 -Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Words Of Wisdom From Thomas Jefferson

Official Presidential portrait of Thomas Jefferson (by Rembrandt Peale, 1800).jpg

"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government
results from too much government."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
--Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
-- Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

 "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Beginning Of The End Of ObamaCare !

Having known people who were on ObamaCare, seeing their rates rise substantially, deductibles rise even more and being required to pay back tax credits (one friend had to write a check for over $6,000 to the Feds),  I am thrilled that the first step has been taken to delete the plan from existence.

Read on.

President Elect Donald J. Trump's First Press Conference 2017

In case you missed The Donald's first press conference as President Elect yesterday, here's a link to the full event. NEVER a dull moment and incredibly informative.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Whistle Blowers or Traitors ???

After watching the Hannity interview with Julian Assange this week and the movie Snowden by Oliver Stone, I've got much to say.


Are they whistle blowers or traitor's?

That's the million dollar question.

Both claim to be after the truth. Both obviously want the public to know what they've uncovered. And both have literally put their lives on the line in order to expose political and governmental corruption. Both now live in hotel like rooms at embassy's and no longer have the freedom to come and go. They are like prisoners. Who would risk their freedom, if not for noble reasons?

So whistle blowers or traitors'?

I believe that there is a strong difference between Snowden & Assange.

Edward Snowden is an American citizen who wanted to serve in the military but due to injuries, could not. He then went on to serve our country in other various governmental positions with the CIA, NSA, etc.

There's no doubt in my mind that he is a patriot.

Some might ask, how can you say that? He exposed secrets of the NSA and beyond and thus put our country at risk.

I can easily refute that.

As far as I know, in not ONE circumstance has he given away information that would/could hurt the security of the United States. In other words, no military or strategic secrets. No access to financial structures or the court system. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

All he did was basically inform the public and say, did you know that the NSA has access to your private email, addresses, phone conversations, etc? That they can easily tap into your personal lives without a FISA warrant by means of surveillance, wiretapping, etc?

In case you're not sure what a FISA warrant is, Wikipedia defines it as such:

"The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) is a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law ..."

Against, FOREIGN spies. The average, everyday American shouldn't be subjected to surveillance UNLESS they have proven to be a security threat to our country.

Now, you might ask: How can you tell if someone's a threat, unless you have access to their activities?

My answer is most likely you can't unless there is very unusual behavior witnessed by others ie their family, friends, co-workers, etc. and is reported to the authorities.  In turn, a FISA warrant could be acquired and then go from there.

But think back. Has the NSA really prevented terror attacks on the homeland due to their surveillance? Maybe. But obviously not all, as there's been plenty  attacks over the years since 9/11/2001.

My point is, is that Edward Snowden exposed what could be the beginning of a Big Brother government that has way too much access to our personal lives. And when that happens, it provides a massive amount of federal power, which put into the wrong hands, can create a 1984 or Brave New World scenario. Not good in my book. 

It also opens the door to unethical leaders and government officials to intimidate and exact revenge on those they view as enemies. Think about the IRS and it's use of blocking many Tea Party organizations from becoming legal entities which in turn would enact opposition to the party that blocked them? 

Or how about the Justice Department's use of power over the FBI and in many other cases?

Access to private citizens lives in the hands of power hungry and vengeful leaders is NOT a good thing.

Bottom line, in my eyes, Edward Snowden is a hero. An unsung one. And I believe his intentions were noble.

As for Julian Assange.

The jury is still out on him.

Right now, he's a friend to us Conservatives since he outed the corruption and manipulative behavior of those in the DNC and Hillary Clinton herself. 

But whose side is he on?

Is he really just after the truth no matter what country? Could he be working for the Russian's as many have stated?

I have no idea. The guy is a true enigma.

I watched Sean Hannity's interview with Assange and was totally intrigued.

On the surface, he seemed incredibly sincere in just wanting to expose a corrupt Hillary & DNC. And he did so. For that I'm grateful. But was it really about exposing corruption or was/is he just playing a game or working for another government who did NOT want to see the Clinton's gain power once again?

Bottom line.

Assange is one heck of an intriguing character and I don't think we'll ever really know what makes him tick, what his true motives are or if he works for any one country or aligns himself with no one at all. Only time will tell... 

Regardless of what I or anyone else think about Snowden and Assange, these guys represent the future.

There will be more of them. And they will amass incredible power.

Last words.

While thinking about all of the above after watching the movie Snowden, I fretted over the future of our children.

Computers, smart phones, gps',  devices that read to our children and can practically raise them, self driving cars, robots handing over burgers at McDonalds. These conveniences while improving our lives in some ways, can also create a distance with each other. There's a danger with that,  in my humble opinion. But that's a topic for another day!

Snowden: The Movie

Watched Oliver Stone's movie about Edward Snowden last night. Riveting, thought provoking and disturbing all at the same time. Highly recommend.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

For Those Who Missed Hannity's Interview With Julian Assange

Obama Sending Troops To Russian Border

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Julian Assange Speaks Out About Email Hacking

Here's a brief clip from an interview with Julian Assange to be aired tonight on FoxNews at 10 o'clock on the Hannity Show. Should be VERY interesting...

Monday, January 2, 2017

Love These Gals!

Diamond and Silk... They speak the truth and make you laugh out loud at the same time!