The Donald Is On A Roll !

Wow. Talk about being on a roll and getting things done as promised. The Donald, now our 45th POTUS is not losing any time doing what he said he was going to do!
First, as reported on Drudge, the Dow has now hit 20,000! No doubt partially due to the fact that our current president is creating a business friendly environment.
But what else has President Trump been up to since taking a seat in the Oval Office?
Here's a excerpt from the ...
"with a pen stroke, President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, imposed a federal hiring freeze, and reinstated the “Mexico City policy” on defunding international abortion-related services."
Keep in mind, the federal hiring freeze does NOT include the military and national security departments.
The POTUS has also begun the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act, moved forward on the Dakota - Keystone XL oil pipelines, has plans to meet with British PM Theresa May, talked with Netanyahu, mended fences with the CIA, met with Union Leaders & CEO's of American car companies and as stated in Business Insider, is expected to sign an executive order to begin funding and construction of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. The list goes on and on.
Talk about an activist president and one who is actually following through on his campaign promises!
Go Trump!
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