Sunday, January 22, 2017

President Donald J. Trump

Phew! I can finally say it.  After over 18 months of campaigning, Donald J. Trump is now the 45th president of the U.S.

And what a race it was. One of the most challenging I can ever remember.

But now it's over and the Trumpster is president and I'm thrilled.

However, I have to say it took awhile to get to this Point. Like many others, I originally thought that he was too thin skinned, petty, vindictive and a bit over the top. Plus he's a businessman, so how could he possibly compete with those who really know how to play the political game?

Of course, I, like so many others completely underestimated The Donald. Turns out he played it better than the other 16 politicians who have had years of experience.

So now when I look back at all the other candidates (with the exception of Ted Cruz) they pale in comparison and were not what the country wanted or really needed. If one of the others had won, we'd be running in place, getting no where fast and the Democrats would still be ruling the roost. And our country would continue on its downward spiral.

Even though I still cringe sometimes at the POTUS' choice of words or some of his tweets, I realize now, they're a small price to pay for a man who is a fighter,  has a good chance of turning this country around and banishing the socialism that has gradually taken over.

We needed someone bold and brash and who wasn't afraid to challenge the status quo. Who would NOT back down. Who could apply good, basic business skills to government. Who has new and fresh ideas on how to move forward and turn the ship around into a more positive and prosperous direction.

The Donald may not be as polished as some would like & he'll definitely make mistakes, but I believe he truly wants to do right by our country.

How do I know this for sure?

His inauguration speech, It sealed the deal for me.

President Trump took on Obama (without mentioning his name), the Dems & the MSM all while they were sitting right in the same room with him. He had no problem finger pointing about who was responsible for the mess our country is in.

That took courage of conviction and strength of character.

He also promised that he has our back. That he'll put America first. That he'll keep his promises. That he won't back down to those who want nothing more than to crush his presidency and thus the dreams of the American people who put him there.

President Trump didn't have to say any of the above. He could have easily filled his inaugural speech with empty rhetoric. But he did little of that. Instead he made bold statements and promises and called out those who would continue to hurt our country at the expense of those who elected them.

I'd like to end this entry with my favorite quote from The Donald's speech.

"When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."

Hear, hear Mr. President!

For a transcript of President Trump's inaugural speech, click below.


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