Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Presidential Polls Tightening Up

It's just 5 days till the first presidential debate and the polls are tightening up. Trump is closing the gap little by little between he and Hillary and is either ahead by a point or two or in a dead heat. With a few polls showing Hillary ahead by 4 or 5 percentage points. But even those stats come under the statistical margin of error category.

I give Kelly Ann Conway, Trump's Campaign Manager and Spokesperson full credit for The Donald's turnaround.

Since she's come on board, the campaign has employed a wonderful speech writer, has him using teleprompters and has softened his image. Yet, The Donald is still The Donald. Bold, brash, outspoken, a bit rough around the edges and someone who has the guts to fight back against those who try their best to malign him.

Most of you know that I was not a huge fan of Mr. Trump in the beginning and voted for Cruz (whom I'm greatly disappointed in but that's a blog for another day). Thought he was too thin skinned, vindictive and petty.

I still think the above. However, when one has to balance out the good, the bad and the ugly, I've decided to hop on the Trump Train.


In no way would any of the other candidates, with the possible exception of Cruz,  have the personality to fight back against the constant barrage of negative press, accusations and lies the way the Donald has.

When Trump is hit hard, he still hits back twice as hard. And he does immediately. But with Kelly Ann Conway in charge, he does so in acceptable and smart ways for the most part.

If one of the other candidates had won the nomination, I highly doubt they would fight back against Hillary, the Democrat Party and the MSM the way Trump has. Most likely they'd be polite, maybe say a word or two to defend themselves and that would be it. They wouldn't hit back hard enough. Consequently, the opposition would  remain in control and win the election.

But The Donald knows how to fight fire with fire and that's exactly what he's been doing. And with gusto. Remember the trendy saying you'd see on t-shirts, hats, etc. a few years back? No Fear? That's what it's all about now. Being fearless.

Bottom line.

I thank the powers that be for Kelly Ann and also for The Donald. He's not perfect by any stretch and I still think he has the negative personality traits I wrote about, but he's a fighter and fearless and that's exactly what we need if we're to take back the White House.

For those interested in checking out the most recent presidential polls, here's the link to Real Clear Politics:


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