Wednesday, September 21, 2016

No Fed Hike On Interest Rates

Just heard on the news that the Feds have decided NOT to raise interest rates this go round.

I knew they wouldn't.

Might screw up the stock market as well as the economy. Obama would NOT like that.  He wants to be able to leave office and say how prosperous things have been under his presidency. One thing he and his administration excel at, is gas lighting the American people into believing all's well, when in reality it's not.

Bet ya however,  that once the POTUS leaves office, the Feds will raise the rates and big time... Especially if Trump gets in. Then when the markets react negatively and the economy starts going downhill (even worse than it is now), they'll be able to blame it on him and/or the republicans. As you know, NOTHING that goes wrong is EVER Obama's fault. Ever.


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