Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Cat's Out Of The Bag For Hillary

I think we may see the end of Hillary Clinton's run for the POTUS just around the corner. But not without a fight of course from both Clinton's.

As most know, the cat is now out of the bag about the candidate's health after the media blitzed the airways with footage of Mrs. Clinton's collapse during the 9/11 Anniversary Event held in NYC on Sunday.

Rumors flew, confusion was everywhere but video's don't lie. So Hillary and her minions' were forced to admit that she was diagnosed with pneumonia the previous Friday and that was the reason for her ill health.

But is it?

The Dems must think there's definitely more serious medical issues than is being reported and are gearing up for a contingency plan.

Some say Kane will take over. Others whisper Biden might jump in.

Whatever the case,  change is in the air...


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