Trouble With Commenting
For those who wish to comment but do not want their names out there, there's a simple way to respond. Go to the Comments section. This is located right below the blog entry itself. Click. Then click on the Comment As: section. A list of options will appear. Scroll down to anonymous. Click. Then write your comment. None of your personal info will appear on the blog and you will remain anonymous.
Please note that other options might ask you to sign in with your gmail account or via other venues. If you try to do so, especially via a gmail a/c, it'll take you through a series of steps that gets quite complicated. It'll also ask for lots of information you may not want to give out. The best way to avoid this is to go the anonymous route.
If you want to identify yourself in some form while responding via the anonymous route, you can do so by signing off with a first name, initials, a handle or however you'd like in the same window as your comments.
I wrote the above because I've noticed when checking my stats, that I have close to a thousand readers a month, but rarely any comments. For the most part I only receive responses from those who are on an email list who receive post alerts in their inboxes. These readers then hit the reply key and their responses show up in my personal email inbox. A dialogue then begins but only between myself and the reader. No one else can participate.
Hope this helps those who would like to respond with comments directly on the site but not have to worry about exposing their identities. Or having to deal with the difficulties imposed using other selections offered in the Comment As section.
Please note that other options might ask you to sign in with your gmail account or via other venues. If you try to do so, especially via a gmail a/c, it'll take you through a series of steps that gets quite complicated. It'll also ask for lots of information you may not want to give out. The best way to avoid this is to go the anonymous route.
If you want to identify yourself in some form while responding via the anonymous route, you can do so by signing off with a first name, initials, a handle or however you'd like in the same window as your comments.
I wrote the above because I've noticed when checking my stats, that I have close to a thousand readers a month, but rarely any comments. For the most part I only receive responses from those who are on an email list who receive post alerts in their inboxes. These readers then hit the reply key and their responses show up in my personal email inbox. A dialogue then begins but only between myself and the reader. No one else can participate.
Hope this helps those who would like to respond with comments directly on the site but not have to worry about exposing their identities. Or having to deal with the difficulties imposed using other selections offered in the Comment As section.
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