Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trump to Prevent Cruz and Kasich From Speaking At GOP Convention

Just read this article by The Right Scoop about how Trump and his supporters plan on preventing anyone who does NOT endorse The Donald from gaining access to the GOP Convention. Read on:



Have been on about a 2 week hiatus from paying close attention to all things political but am now back in the game. And wow. Lots going on and to write about!

For my first foray back into blogging,  I want to say how thrilled I am about BREXIT passing. I've written previously about how I felt the EU was never a good idea in the first place and was a form global socialism. Now it looks like some are waking up to that fact and want to take their country back. Three cheers for the Brits. You're on your way!

But beware. The remaining countries committed to the EU are nervous and already plotting about how they will not let the Brits' decision have a strong impact on their membership. Even the U.S.,  Canada & Mexico are worried and have plans for a summit to discuss preventing current trade agreements from falling by the wayside in light of the BREXIT decision.

Read on for more details.


The Clinton's Exposed... Again!

Take a few minutes to watch this Hannity Show interview with former Secret Service Officer, Gary Byrne. He had Clinton detail at the White House and now has a book out titled 'Crisis of Character'. Of course Mr. Byrne will be smeared, vilified, etc in order to discredit him and the book. But the cat's out of the bag.

In fact, this is about the 3rd or 4th book published in the last year or so that exposes Bill and Hillary for who they really are. Too bad the MSM is so busy supporting and defending them, thus creating a good portion of the population who will go to the polls uninformed and blindly vote for one of the most corrupt political figures of our lifetime.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kids To Learn About America's Founding Documents

"Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, signed a South Carolina House bill into law that implements the study of U.S. founding documents into the state’s public high schools." This was reported by the Daily Signal.

Three cheers for South Carolina's students. How lucky they are. And hear, hear to those who put the bill together and enact it.

For more read below!


Can't Wait!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

“DC politicians are the first ones to keep soda and salt away from our kids, when you try to keep a child from dying from a $5 Heroin pill, they’re noticeably silent.”

The above is a quote from Paul Nehlen, a Wisconsin resident who is running for congress. I wish him luck...

If Only This Had A Chance

A new law rolling back the Dodd/Frank bill which forces banks via Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac to provide loans to people who really can't afford them is on the docket. In addition this bill would no longer provide bail outs to failing banks.

Who's behind this? The GOP and House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, a Republican from Texas.

“In a phrase,” he said, summarizing the Republican plan in prepared remarks obtained by The Daily Signal, “we need economic growth for all and bank bailouts for none.”

"Hensarling blames Washington, not Wall Street, for that downturn. Hear, hear.

Of course the chances of this passing are slim even if it gets by congress because Obama, of course, would pocket the bill and that would be the end of that. In fact the President called the bill 'crazy' and expounded on why that it is so.

In response, Hensarling told the Daily Signal that "The ultimate goal of the left is to turn our large, money-centered banks into the functional equivalent of utilities so that Washington can politically allocate credit".

But there's hope. Should the next president be a Republican they would have a ready made plan that could be the first step back towards market based strategies to help turn the economy around.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Independent Board Says To Shut Down Bulk Collection By NSA

I was very happy to read the following article by WaPo about the recommendation from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, a presidentially appointed review panel, to end bulk collection by the NSA of American phone records. 

However, it does make me rather suspicious of why Obama wants this program to end now as indicated by his appointing the panel to begin with and issuing a statement via a speech Friday that he thought the NSA’s database of records should be moved out of government hands.

I don't think I've ever agreed with ANYTHING the POTUS has said or done before. Could it be the president, now that he'll be leaving office, doesn't want the government to have access to records he'd rather keep hidden? Awfully interesting timing.

What say you?

Here's the link to the article for all the details:


Friday, June 3, 2016

DOJ Resisting Court Order

Every day is a challenge when trying to remain optimistic in regard to the political atmosphere and what's happening to our country under the Obama Administration. Today is no different.

Just learned that a court order/decision by Texas Judge Andrew Hanen is not being taken seriously by the DOJ.

Here is an excerpt from the Daily Signal that explains what's happening:

"The Justice Department is resisting a judge’s order to provide ethics training for its lawyers and is objecting to turning over to the court the names of illegal aliens who were granted what amounts to administrative amnesty (“deferrals”) in stark violation of an injunction issued by the court.

On May 19, Judge Andrew Hanen of the of the Southern District of Texas issued an order imposing sanctions on the Justice Department and its lawyers for unethical conduct, which included repeatedly lying to him in court.

U.S. v. Texas is the immigration lawsuit filed by 26 states against the Obama administration over its plan to provide deferrals, work permits, and other government benefits to almost 5 million illegal aliens. Hanen issued a preliminary injunction in February 2015 preventing implementation of the plan.

His decision was upheld by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the case is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court

As usual, if you want to read further, here's a link:


Record Numbers Of Americans Not Working

Take a quick look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers here:


Internet Bill

Here's an excerpt from an article by the Washington Examiner about a Ted Cruz bill in regards to the U.S. retaining control over some aspects of the internet vs handing some of it over to a global concern. This is important stuff and will only take a minute or two to read.

"A proposal being circulated by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, would block the plan to transfer control of a key component of the Internet before President Obama leaves office.

Cruz's "Protecting Internet Freedom Act" would direct the Department of Commerce to retain ownership of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. The administration has sought to transfer the agency, which is responsible for administrative functions that transform code into language on the Internet, to an international authority called ICANN. Lawmakers worry that arrangement could empower countries like China and Iran to engage in more censorship, either at home or abroad.

"The U.S. government has long protected the core of the Internet from authoritarian regimes who view the Internet as a way to increase their influence and suppress our online freedom of speech," Cruz said in a background document being circulated with the bill. "The United States cannot allow authoritarian regimes to increase their influence over the core operating functions of the Internet."

Here's the link to read the entire article:
