Monday, June 6, 2016

Independent Board Says To Shut Down Bulk Collection By NSA

I was very happy to read the following article by WaPo about the recommendation from the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, a presidentially appointed review panel, to end bulk collection by the NSA of American phone records. 

However, it does make me rather suspicious of why Obama wants this program to end now as indicated by his appointing the panel to begin with and issuing a statement via a speech Friday that he thought the NSA’s database of records should be moved out of government hands.

I don't think I've ever agreed with ANYTHING the POTUS has said or done before. Could it be the president, now that he'll be leaving office, doesn't want the government to have access to records he'd rather keep hidden? Awfully interesting timing.

What say you?

Here's the link to the article for all the details:


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