Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Have been on about a 2 week hiatus from paying close attention to all things political but am now back in the game. And wow. Lots going on and to write about!

For my first foray back into blogging,  I want to say how thrilled I am about BREXIT passing. I've written previously about how I felt the EU was never a good idea in the first place and was a form global socialism. Now it looks like some are waking up to that fact and want to take their country back. Three cheers for the Brits. You're on your way!

But beware. The remaining countries committed to the EU are nervous and already plotting about how they will not let the Brits' decision have a strong impact on their membership. Even the U.S.,  Canada & Mexico are worried and have plans for a summit to discuss preventing current trade agreements from falling by the wayside in light of the BREXIT decision.

Read on for more details.



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