Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Daily Signal/Morning Bell

The Daily Signal, Morning Bell arrives in my inbox every morning. It's chuck full of news, commentary and alerts about what's happening in politics, government and around the world. This very informative newsletter is a product of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. Here's a bit about this wonderful organization as excerpted from their website:

"Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."

Take a minute to peruse. You'll come away more informed than ever!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Another Interesting Debate ...

15 minute video/debate between a leftist Amherst student vs D'Souza, a capitalist. Excellent!

Capitalism Vs Socialism

A quick debate of Capitalism vs Socialism on CNBC. The Socialist got way more time than the Capitalist. Lasts about 3 minutes or so. Sums it all up in a nutshell.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Delegate War In Maine

Guess there's a delegate war in Maine with Cruz backers trying to block Governor LePage, a Trump supporter from attending the national convention. Read on:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The New And Improved Donald???

As most of you know, the Trumpster  won the state of New York's primary yesterday. His delegate count now totals 845. Cruz is at 559 with Rubio holding onto 171 delegates and Kasich, bottoming out at 141. Number needed to win the nomination is 1237.

Looking good for The Donald, so far...

Though Trump's win is no surprise, I do have to say I AM a bit surprised that he's been able to go a week or so without any gaffs, nasty tweets or some sort of controversy.

How can this be? Is The Donald actually morphing into a real candidate rather than a political reality show star?


Ever since political strategist Paul Manafort, who has handled campaigns for Reagan, Bush and others, took over the Trumpster's campaign, there's been a change in his behavior. Gone are the personal attacks, the constant negative tweeting in reaction to anyone challenging him and the shoot from the hip slips during speeches and interviews.

Looks like we may now have a kinder and gentler Donald running for president.

Another event that took place around the same time he hired Manafort is his meeting with the RNC. 

So now there seems to be two major influences who have managed somehow to get Trump to change his style and tone a bit. The so-called Establishment RNC and political strategist Manafort. For all we know, Manafort might have been recommended by the Establishment. Food for thought.

As a side note, it's quite interesting that The Donald started out his campaign saying he didn't need the Establishment, the Washington elite, the RNC because he was smarter than all of them. That he could win the presidency on his own and without the help of the very people he put down.
Whatever the case, someone got to the Trumpster. They helped him see that were he to continue down the road he was on with one gaff after another, he might possibly go down in flames and lose the nomination. I guess The Donald did not like that scenario and thus decided to throw his chips in with the very people he once riled against.

The question is. Will Trump be able to sustain this kinder and gentler persona? Or will he revert back to his bombastic, nasty tweeting self when push comes to shove? That is the million dollar question.

Stossel's Take On Hospital Care

John Stossel, a consumer reporter for many years has announced he has lung cancer and reports on his experience while in the hospital. Here is his eye opening and thought provoking article that explores the conundrum between hospitals, health insurance, the part government plays in the medical field and patient experience. Btw, Stossel's final diagnosis is that he'll be fine after surgery.

Could He Be The Next President???

Here's a link to an inspiring and well delivered speech by presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Lasts about 10 minutes.

Cruz And Hannity Battle It Out About Trump's Claim That Cruz Is Stealing Votes

Friday, April 15, 2016

A Little Humor From The Tonight Show

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Maine Senate Passes Medicaid Expansion Bill

Obama Admin Pressured New Balance Shoe Co. To Stay Quiet On TPP

"The Boston Globe is reporting that U.S.-based shoe manufacturer New Balance has come out hard against the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal. The odd thing, though, is that "the Boston company had gone quiet [on TPP] last year."
"Now, apparently, we know why."

Read on. Eye opening to say the least ...
For more info and blog entries in regards to TPP/TPA check out my May and June of 2015  posts. There are several. These bills are nothing but trouble and only hurt the American economy. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

CNN Hosting Town Hall Meetings With GOP Candidates And Their Familes

Tonight at 9pm, CNN will host a Town Hall with Donald Trump and his family. Tomorrow night, Ted Cruz and his family will participate. Thursday night CNN will host a debate with Democrat candidates Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. For anyone who is seriously following the presidential races, the next 3 nights will provide a political blitz of information.

One event that is missing is a GOP debate.

No doubt The Donald does NOT want to enter this arena. He's been challenged by Cruz, Bill O'Reilly and others. Each time,  he skirts the issue, pivots and discusses how he's going to win, make America great again, build a big, beautiful wall along the border and on and on.

My question is this...Why won't he do a debate and also why hasn't the media pushed much harder for this to happen?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fast And Furious, The DOJ & The Obama Administration

"The Obama administration failed to adhere to a court-ordered Friday deadline to turn over all subpoenaed documents to Congress about the government's role in the 2009-2011 Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, prompting immediate complaints from Congress."

The above is an excerpt from an article by the Washington Examiner. Something fishy has been going with this issue for a very long time. No doubt the Obama people intend NOT to fully cooperate and will go to any length to block further investigation. Will be interesting to see how things proceed.

Read on...

Friday, April 8, 2016

Tax Inversion: The Reason Companies Are Moving Out Of The U.S.

Businesses have been moving out of the U.S. at a rapid pace. Why? One of the many reasons besides cheaper labor and less regulation abroad are high corporate taxes. In fact, ours are the highest in the world at 35%. Thus companies, in order to escape,  do what's called a tax inversion move.

What is a tax inversion strategy?

A U.S. business will purchase a company overseas where taxes are lower. Claim it as their headquarters and thus pay that country's lower tax rate on profits. Can't blame them. They're doing whatever it takes to make the cost/price of their products cheaper and of course increase profit margins.

In some ways this is good for the American people. Who doesn't want to pay less for their purchases?However, on the flip side of the coin, it hurts us due to loss of jobs.

So what's the solution?

Easy. Lower corporate taxes and less regulation.

Makes sense, doesn't it? Lower corporate taxes and regulation and companies would move back or at least it might help to stop the bleeding of businesses moving out of the U.S.

However, Obama's Treasury Department has recently issued two new rules cloaked in noble language that handcuff companies even more.

The first is to eliminate tax inversion. The second is to eliminate private U.S. companies from loaning money from one department to another and thus avoid additional tax consequences by claiming debt.

Businesses do the above legally.

In response, Obama's Treasury Department wants to eliminate these loopholes in order to regain corporate revenue in the form of taxes in order to fill governmental coffers. Why not just lower corporate taxes and eliminate those regulations that hurt businesses so they can compete with the rest of the world? By doing so it would bring jobs back to America, more people would be working and tax revenue would increase exponentially.

However, that is not the ultimate goal of the current administration. Their true motivation is to increase the power and scope of government. So unless we vote in a presidential candidate who believes in free enterprise and has the guts and political skill to help implement these beliefs, we'll carry on as we have been and nothing will change. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cruz Takes Wisconsin

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas won the Wisconsin primary last night. Trump came in second and Kasich, third. The final numbers are Cruz, 48%; Trump 35%; Kasich 14%.

Latest GOP delegate count is as follows. Keep in mind 1,237 delegates is the number needed to win the nomination.

Trump  743
Cruz     517
Kasich 143

Senator Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the race still holds onto 164.

In response to Cruz's win and his loss, The Donald accused 'lying Ted' of being a 'trojan horse' who is nothing but a 'puppet' who is 'trying to steal the nomination'. So gracious and presidential of Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, Cruz  marches on, establishing more support, organizing and working his amazing ground game all over the country and gaining momentum.

What's Trump up to besides name calling?

Just heard he's fired a whole bunch of people. Sounds like a replay of The Apprentice...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

GOP To Pass Bill To Block Iran's Access To Money

Below is an excerpt from the Washington Examiner in regards to an effort to block Iran from accessing funds in relation to the nuclear deal. Hear, hear!

"The top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Tuesday that the GOP will pass legislation to block Iran's access to the dollar-based transactions and the U.S. financial system, to fight back against the Obama administration's apparent effort to ease financial sanctions against that country.

In a Tuesday morning hearing, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., repeatedly pressed Thomas Shannon, undersecretary of state for political affairs, to clarify the confusion over whether the Obama administration plans to help facilitate Iran's access to the U.S. dollar, even if it doesn't involve U.S. banks.

Several media reports over the last two weeks have said the administration plans to help facilitate dollar-dominated international business transactions in order to boost Iran's economy. Because of all the administration's caveats and confusing denials, Corker said he planned to try to codify that these "U-turn" transactions cannot occur."

Monday, April 4, 2016

Supreme Court Rules Illegal Immigrants Count

Here's an excerpt from a Washing Times article on the subject matter that says it all. This is SO not right ...

"A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that illegal immigrants and other non-citizens can be counted when states draw their legislative districts, shooting down a challenge by Texas residents who said their own voting power was being diluted.

The ruling does not grant non-citizens power to vote, but says the principle of “one person, one vote” doesn’t require localities to only count those who are actually eligible to vote."

Click here to read the rest:

California Raises Minimum Wage

No words needed...

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Cruz Working The States For Additional Delegates

Here's a link to an article by the Washington Examiner describing the behind the scenes hustle of the  Cruz campaign hoping to add delegates should a contested convention occur in July. No doubt Ted's got the best ground game along with a pretty aggressive strategy to win the White House should Trump not gain the 1,237 delegates needed. Got to hand it to Cruz as he's way ahead of the curve in many aspects.  If anyone could pull off a win at a contested convention, it'll be him. Read on:

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Political Talk Show Round Up

Here's a round up of what was discussed on the Sunday political talk show circuit from Meet The Press and Fox News Sunday, to Face The Nation, Reliable Sources and State of the Union with Jake Tapper.

In general, the majority of attention was focused on Donald Trump. The topic in relation to the Donald most discussed was his take on abortion where he said women should be punished for having them during a discussion with Chris Matthews of MSNBC.

The second most discussed subject was about his Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski's assault charges for aggressively handling Breitbart reporter, Michelle Fields during a Trump event.

The third was his stance on NATO and his statements about how its bleeding money and is obsolete.

Last, was about nuclear weapons. Who should have them, who shouldn't.

The Trumpster appeared on two of the 5 shows ie Face The Nation and Fox News Sunday.

On Face the Nation when asked about his comments on abortion, The Donald basically said that his response to Chris Matthews was a hypothetical and nothing more. He then went on to say that doctors should take the blame for abortions. He also said it should be a state's right issue. When asked if abortion was murder, Trump said he didn't want to give an opinion. Shortly after the interview, the host read a statement given to them by Trump official, Hope Hicks. It said that Mr. Trump would change current abortion laws by appointing new judges, which in turn would give states rights over the issue of abortion.

In regards to the Corey Lewandowski stance. Trump pretty much bad mouthed the Breitbart reporter and insinuated that she made much ado about nothing. He asserted that she grabbed him and shouldn't have.  That he really knows nothing about what happened in regards to Corey. Last but not least, The Donald went on and on about how loyal he is and will not fire Lewandowski since he's married and the father of four children. When asked if Corey told the truth, Trump said he didn't know what the context was and is just going by the tape and again blamed the reporter.

On the topic of nuclear weapons, Trump said he would be the last to ever use one and that it would be a horror show. However, he wouldn't take them off the table in regards to negotiations. He also continued with his stance that NATO was obsolete.

Dickerson, the host of FTN asked if the RNC has been fair to him. The Trumpster said he'd let him know in 6 months. However, he added that they were NOT fair about Louisiana where delegates may have been renegotiated, thus taken away from his total.  The Donald then hinted at a possible law suit.

On Fox News Sunday, Donald Trump was asked if he was blowing the race. The Trumpster said he was doing great. Consequently,  Chris Wallace then exhibited actual polls that showed his numbers in decline.  In reaction, the Donald pivoted and talked about how he's self funded, wants to win Wisconsin, likes the state's people and will do well.

When asked about abortion and would he have answered Chris Matthews question differently, Trump admitted to being on a learning curve.

Chris Wallace then asked Trump 'Why not apologize to Michelle Fields?'. The Donald's response was that he's a loyal guy and that Michelle Fields exaggerates and lies.

On the nuclear weapons subject, the Trumpster went on to say how Japan and S. Korea should defend themselves, that the U.S. spends way too much money defending them and that we should be paid more.

When asked if he will hold true to his pledge to support whomever the nominee is, if not him, the  Donald went on a rant against Cruz and said Ted is a basket case. That he, the Trumpster wants to run as a GOP candidate but only if treated fairly.

Chris Wallace's final question was whether The Donald intends to lay off the personal attacks. Trump responded that when he becomes president, he'll be very boring, indicating that he would.

Moving on from the Trump Chronicals.

Reince Priebus was on just about every show today.

The most frequently asked question was about the election and delegate process and how the RNC intends to process things.

Mr. Priebus was pretty consistent on each show. However the most info gleened was by Meet The Press where he was asked about party rules and would the 2016 rules be the same as 2012?  Reince's response was as follows.

The 2012 rules will not apply to 2016. The delegates will get together and create new ones. That states will decide which candidate will get specific delegates. However, all GOP delegates pledged to a particular candidate will keep their commitment.

When asked whether he thought the RNC has been treating Trump fairly, Priebus responded yes. However, he said, if the Donald refuses to support the nominee, they would cut him off and possibly sue.

What gives them the right to do so?

Here's the scoop. Each candidate signs an agreement promising to support whomever the nominee is. In return this gives them access to all kinds of official GOP data they normally would not have access to. By signing the promise and then reneging on it would be in direct legal violation of the agreement.

That's about it. Pretty informative but time consuming to watch all the shows. Now I need a break!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Foreign Policies Of The Four Presidential Candidates As Interpreted By C. Krauthhammer

Check this out. Very short, precise and interesting take on how each presidential candidate sees foreign policy.

Which stance do you agree with??? Or is it none of the above?

Friday, April 1, 2016

FCC Subsidized Phone & Internet

Just learned that the FCC, in addition to subsidizing free cell phones for the low income segment of the population, will now include free high speed internet! What is this country coming to???