Tuesday, April 12, 2016

CNN Hosting Town Hall Meetings With GOP Candidates And Their Familes

Tonight at 9pm, CNN will host a Town Hall with Donald Trump and his family. Tomorrow night, Ted Cruz and his family will participate. Thursday night CNN will host a debate with Democrat candidates Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. For anyone who is seriously following the presidential races, the next 3 nights will provide a political blitz of information.

One event that is missing is a GOP debate.

No doubt The Donald does NOT want to enter this arena. He's been challenged by Cruz, Bill O'Reilly and others. Each time,  he skirts the issue, pivots and discusses how he's going to win, make America great again, build a big, beautiful wall along the border and on and on.

My question is this...Why won't he do a debate and also why hasn't the media pushed much harder for this to happen?


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