Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The New And Improved Donald???

As most of you know, the Trumpster  won the state of New York's primary yesterday. His delegate count now totals 845. Cruz is at 559 with Rubio holding onto 171 delegates and Kasich, bottoming out at 141. Number needed to win the nomination is 1237.

Looking good for The Donald, so far...

Though Trump's win is no surprise, I do have to say I AM a bit surprised that he's been able to go a week or so without any gaffs, nasty tweets or some sort of controversy.

How can this be? Is The Donald actually morphing into a real candidate rather than a political reality show star?


Ever since political strategist Paul Manafort, who has handled campaigns for Reagan, Bush and others, took over the Trumpster's campaign, there's been a change in his behavior. Gone are the personal attacks, the constant negative tweeting in reaction to anyone challenging him and the shoot from the hip slips during speeches and interviews.

Looks like we may now have a kinder and gentler Donald running for president.

Another event that took place around the same time he hired Manafort is his meeting with the RNC. 

So now there seems to be two major influences who have managed somehow to get Trump to change his style and tone a bit. The so-called Establishment RNC and political strategist Manafort. For all we know, Manafort might have been recommended by the Establishment. Food for thought.

As a side note, it's quite interesting that The Donald started out his campaign saying he didn't need the Establishment, the Washington elite, the RNC because he was smarter than all of them. That he could win the presidency on his own and without the help of the very people he put down.
Whatever the case, someone got to the Trumpster. They helped him see that were he to continue down the road he was on with one gaff after another, he might possibly go down in flames and lose the nomination. I guess The Donald did not like that scenario and thus decided to throw his chips in with the very people he once riled against.

The question is. Will Trump be able to sustain this kinder and gentler persona? Or will he revert back to his bombastic, nasty tweeting self when push comes to shove? That is the million dollar question.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Well it didn't last long. Within days of this blog, The Donald began acting out again. Gone was the use of Senator Cruz. Trump's now back to Lyin Ted. He's also made comments that he's not toning things down. That if he did, people would get bored and wouldn't attend his rallies or tune in to watch him on tv. Is that what's really important to The Donald ie keeping people from boredom? Guess it's back to Trump's Political Reality Show. Stay tuned...

April 25, 2016 at 6:54 AM  

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