Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lots to talk about ...

With a trip out of town and family visiting, I've been out of the loop for the last couple weeks and just now have the time to try and catch up. And wow, is there a lot to catch up on.

There's the Supreme Court decisions on Gay Marriage and the ACA. There's the terrorist acts in France, Tunisia and Kuwait. New GOP presidential candidates announcements. Taking down the Confederate flag everywhere. Problems with Greece and the EU. These stories are just in the forefront of the news. I'm sure there are countless others along with events happening as I write,  that have yet to be reported by mainstream media or even cable, internet news sites or blogs.

No doubt it's going to take time to digest much of what's been happening. But here are my initial thoughts and reactions.

The Supreme Court voting to sustain the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare was not a surprise. Whether I think it was the right thing to do or not, doesn't matter at this point.  'OZ' has spoken and I doubt there's any turning back. Just like there wasn't with Roe vs Wade. It's a done deal and a decision that will affect us for years down the road, for better or worse. However, I do have mixed thoughts on the topic and here they are.

On the one hand, something had to be done about health care. I know people who work hard but can't afford medical insurance. Way too expensive. They earn just enough money to pay their bills, eat and if they're lucky go to a movie once in a while or out for a pizza. For those in this category, ObamaCare is a godsend. Now they have health coverage and can take care of standing issues. That's a good thing.

On the other hand, I'm strongly against the government taking control of our health care regardless of good intentions. I see the ACA leading us down that path where eventually healthcare, pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry in general will lose independence and control and falter under increasing demands and regulations. Eventually this could lead to Canadian or European style socialized medicine. I would prefer that we in the U.S. don't go down this road. But make no mistake, this is where we are headed if changes aren't made...

In regards to the Supreme's  ruling that gay marriage is now legal in all states... I have no problems with gay marriage. None. Zero. Zip. However, I think the decision should have been left up to individual states, especially where people have already voted via referendums one way or the other. I feel the Supreme Court legislated from the bench. But again, as I said above re: ACA, it's a done deal and we can't turn back the hands of time and have a do over.  I just hope churches are not required to marry gays if it goes against their teachings. My guess is that this will be the next move ie to force churches to 'abide by the law'. Can't say I know enough about the legalities of the ruling to know if this will happen or not. I'm just hoping it doesn't.

Onto the recent terrorist acts. ISIS and various other related factions are becoming more emboldened by the day with acts of terrorism and also expanding where these acts take place. Why? Because no one is taking a stand. Don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out!  How sad. This reminds me of what happened before Churchill stepped up to the plate in Europe.  Everyone was hiding their heads in the sand while Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini gradually took on more and more power.  That's where we are now. With no one in charge to challenge ISIS seriously, what's to stop them? My fear is that it'll take a major hit, in a major city, with thousands dying before the U.S.  or anyone else for that matter will take a stand.

From what I understand, as of today, the Republicans now have 14 candidates running for president. 14!!! Wow. For now I'm not going to say much, except that I'm sure with the first debate coming up in August, the strong will emerge and the weak will fade away. And that's how it should be. But I will say I am highly disappointed with Rubio for his support of TPP and encouraged with Cruz's no vote.  This is a topic for another blog.

Nikki Haley's decision to remove the Confederate flag from public display is just another sign of the incredibly PC times we live in. It was said that it was too much of a painful reminder of what once was. Maybe that's right. Time will tell.

Last but not least is the possible demise of Greece,  its' banks and possibly other countries to follow. If I remember correctly, I wrote about this subject back in 2010 or 11... Anyway,  the EU has supported and propped up their currency for a long time. They cannot continue to sustain this support regardless of how many cries for help. In my ever so humble opinion, I am not a fan of the European Union which was created in the 90s, along with the Monetary Union instituted in full in 2002. Initially it was supposed to smooth travel between countries along with currency issues between members. And it has to a certain extent. But once you tie all the members together, each country loses it's sovereignty and is affected by the other members decisions. So therein lies the conflict that is now happening with Greece. They want help. Other members are tired of baling them out. So what's to be done? And how much will Greece's issues affect the other members and their own economies?

In conclusion, here I sit, in total amazement of all that's happened in so short a period of time. So many life altering events happening at once for so many. But what's even more stunning is that we the people, for the most part have had almost no say in any of these changes or events. They are happening to us, rather than by any decisions we've directly made. Makes me feel that things are spiraling out of control and there isn't a whole lot we can do about it until the next election ...

Monday, June 15, 2015

TPA Bill to Hurt Small Business ...

Here's what a journalist from Breitbart has to say about the latest news on the TPA Bill.  Yes folks, it just keeps getting better and better ... NOT !

"Establishment Republicans desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which would give President Obama fast-track authority to secure congressional approval of at least three secretive trade deals, are now willing to increase taxes on small businesses in a way that would violate a pledge almost every Republican Congressman has taken when elected into office.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Maine GOP fights the Dems

Worth the few minutes to read...

More to come when time allows. So much happening on a local and national levels, that it's tough keeping up...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Very Interesting interview with Ted Cruise

Take a listen to an interview with Ted Cruise in regards to the TPA and TPP bill. Food for thought ...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Political Correctness

Wait till you read this. Over the top political correctness, showing up at a college near you...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Three Cheers for Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions, (R-AL) has written a letter to Obama asking why the recent trade deal has to be private. He then goes on to explain the bill and how it gives more power to the executive branch and limits the voice of congress. Last but not least,  he remarks about the details being kept from the American public.

Here's a link to Breitbart's interview with Mr. Sessions:

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Hit Jobs Have Begun ...

Okay folks,  I guess the games have begun. Here's a link to a NYT's article about the driving records of Marco Rubio and his wife:

No doubt this is only the beginning of the mud slinging by the Dems against any GOP candidate who stands a chance of winning the presidency. Those they do not view as a threat will be coddled, positively interviewed and treated kindly with hopes they'll be lulled into thinking they have a chance. That's exactly what they did to McCain and look what happened. They knew they could win running Obama against him and they were right. And the Republicans just let it happen without a fight.

The Dems knew Romney had a chance and slung as much mud as possible at him.  But I don't think it was the mud slinging that caused his loss as his background was pretty pristine.  If you remember, the worst they could come up with was about the family dog travel conditions. Then they tried to claim he was hiding info re: his taxes or something to that affect. That turned out to be a lie.

Both Romney and McCain lost to Obama cause they wouldn't fight back or really challenge the Dems about their stances. They were the types of candidates the Dems love to run against, knowing they could basically walk all over them, accuse them of stuff that was not true and mud sling and they would just take it.

Whomever we choose for the GOP candidate I hope he or she is a fighter who won't stand back and let the bullies take over.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

WikiLeaks, Trade Agreements & Transparency

Upon reading a few articles today about the various trade bills recently or currently on the table, it amazes me that nowhere in any of these,  do they detail what's in these bills.

Just last week, I posted an entry about the TPP bill and how our representatives had to go to the basement of a building to read what was in it, couldn't take notes and could only enter if they left cell phones, tablets, etc. behind. They were also watched over by security the entire time and were NOT allowed to talk about what was in the bills afterward ... to anyone.  What is going on? Why all the secrecy?

This is where WikiLeaks comes into the picture. Amazing that we have to have a Whistle Blower, who is not an American citizen, let us know what the heck are in these bills! We, the American people elect our representatives and pay their salaries and they're not allowed to tell us what are in these bills?

I'm disgusted.

Here's a link to WikiLeaks about the current bill (TISA) which Mr. Obama wants fast tracked and passed without any say from our representatives other than an up or down vote. There are several sections, each with a brief synopsis of the subject matter. If you want details, you'll have to download a HTML or PDF document for each of item.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

1984 & Big Brother

Just finished reading an AP/My Way article titled "FBI Behind Mysterious Surveillance Aircraft Over U.S. Cities". Here are the two opening paragraphs:

"The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned."

"The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found."

The more you read of the article, the more disturbing it becomes. For those who might want check it out, here's the link to the entire article:

Upon finishing the AP story, my  immediate response was that this secret surveillance by air via the FBI is just another one of many practices now taking place that the public hasn't been made aware of till now. So much for the Obama administration's promises of a transparent government.

In turn, it brought to mind George Orwell's book 1984 or Nineteen Eighty Four.

Here's a brief synopsis about the novel as posted on Wikipedia.

"Nineteen Eighty-Four, sometimes published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English author George Orwell published in 1949.[1][2] The novel is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the superstate Oceania in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation, dictated by a political system euphemistically named English Socialism (or Ingsoc in the government's invented language, Newspeak) under the control of a privileged Inner Party elite, that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as "thoughtcrimes".[3]

"The tyranny is epitomised by Big Brother, the quasi-divine Party leader who enjoys an intense cult of personality but who may not even exist. The Party "seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power."[4] The protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, who works for the Ministry of Truth (or Minitrue), which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. His job is to rewrite past newspaper articles, so that the historical record always supports the party line.[5] Smith is a diligent and skillful worker but he secretly hates the Party and dreams of rebellion against Big Brother".

The similarities as to what's happening now and in Orwell's book are truly amazing. I'm not saying we're at the point of 1984's way of life. Definitely not. We still have individual freedoms, vast formats for communicating and educating ourselves via the internet, CSPAN, cable tv and radio. And of course we still have individual right to vote. Living in the age of technology definitely has its advantages. But no doubt, it has its drawbacks too.

Some of those drawbacks are our loss of privacy. All you have to do is pay attention to the news on a regular basis and you'll see that technology is vast becoming more powerful but also more  intrusive into our personal lives. The information gathered in the hands of the wrong people could well step over the line to the point where everything and everyone can be monitored, tracked down and then that information can be used for either for good or evil.

Is this really the way we want to live? Will all this technology ultimately help us track down the bad guys? The terrorists? Most possibly. But at what price? How much of our privacy should we give up in the name of safety?

And what about the power our government is quietly accumulating that the general public is mostly unaware of?

In just over the last year or so we've learned that the NSA has been collecting mass data and phone numbers of Americans without warrants, the Feds are taking over our waterways, the government is seeking more control over international trade, the police in major cities have been forced to stand down and let chaos reign supreme, making way for the Feds to take over eventually. And then there's Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine. A subject I'll write about soon. This could be one of the worst things to happen to our country as it has the power to shut down voices and media that disagree with those in power. All under the guise of fairness.

1984 is a sci-fi novel. It's a story pulled from the writer's imagination. But yet I see some of it coming to life right here, right now. Like most novels there is exaggeration and dramatization to keep the reader interested and turning the pages. And though we still have vast freedoms, those freedoms are  slowly eroding and unless we fight for them, we could end up with a 1984 type of society. Maybe not the one exactly described in the novel but a form of it.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Lindsey Graham Announces Candidacy for Presidency

I really don't see Mr. Graham winning the GOP nomination for the presidency. I think it's more about hoping for a future position as either Secretary of State or Defense, which he has the background for, should a republican win the office. Will be interesting to see how things turn out for him.

NSA Surveillance and the USA Freedom Act

Last night,  the Senate agreed to extend debate till Tuesday on the USA Freedom Act already passed by the House.

Rand Paul doesn't believe the House passed bill goes far enough and opposed it,  angering a majority of the GOP Senate who walked out when he got up to speak. It was quite the thing to watch!

I am not a huge fan of Rand Paul but felt his opposition to the bill was sincere. However,  his speech on the floor of the Senate last night, seemed to be more about grandstanding and gaining possible, future presidential votes by his constituents than anything else.  No doubt he he'll zap out links to his speech via social media to get his message out.

That being said, I stand with Paul on this particular issue. I do not believe the NSA or ANY government agency should have that much power and access to private citizens phone records, without first proving a real national security threat and thus acquiring a court ordered warrant. It violates our freedom and privacy. Plus there are those in public office who might use that access for less than altruistic purposes. We have seen this with the IRS and it could happen with the NSA records.

For anyone interested or who wants to become more informed on the subject,  watch the debate on CSPAN online and/or the documentary CitizenFour about Eric Snowden. He was the guy who blew the whistle on the NSA's mass collection of records on Americans. I watched the documentary awhile back and was blown away. This is one gutsy guy who knew, by exposing what was happening in the NSA, would put his life in danger, but did it anyway. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, it's a very informative documentary and well worth watching.

Here's a link to the NYT's review of the documentary. I think it's pretty much spot on: