Thursday, June 4, 2015

WikiLeaks, Trade Agreements & Transparency

Upon reading a few articles today about the various trade bills recently or currently on the table, it amazes me that nowhere in any of these,  do they detail what's in these bills.

Just last week, I posted an entry about the TPP bill and how our representatives had to go to the basement of a building to read what was in it, couldn't take notes and could only enter if they left cell phones, tablets, etc. behind. They were also watched over by security the entire time and were NOT allowed to talk about what was in the bills afterward ... to anyone.  What is going on? Why all the secrecy?

This is where WikiLeaks comes into the picture. Amazing that we have to have a Whistle Blower, who is not an American citizen, let us know what the heck are in these bills! We, the American people elect our representatives and pay their salaries and they're not allowed to tell us what are in these bills?

I'm disgusted.

Here's a link to WikiLeaks about the current bill (TISA) which Mr. Obama wants fast tracked and passed without any say from our representatives other than an up or down vote. There are several sections, each with a brief synopsis of the subject matter. If you want details, you'll have to download a HTML or PDF document for each of item.


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