Thursday, May 28, 2015

2016 Presidential Candidates

As it's been awhile since I've written about the 2016 presidential races, I decided it was time to give an update on who's running and who's not.

Currently on the GOP side,  those who have officially announced they're running are Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorim.

Then there are those who most likely will run,  but haven't officially announced. They are Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Rick Perry and Scott Walker.

Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the only two who have announced so far on the Democrat side. But watch for O'Malley and Webb to jump into the ring at some point.

So far,  I like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina the best. What do all 3 have in common and/or what makes them stand out?

All 3 are extremely articulate and are not afraid to say what they really think, take stands on matters they care about and are able to take complex issues and explain them to the public in a way that is understandable.

They also don't carry on and on with political speak to the point where your eyes glaze over. Nor do you say to yourself after listening to them  "What the heck did they just say" and then realize you had no idea.

Rubio, Cruz and Fiorina also have the ability to argue their stances with finesse and not break a sweat. This will bode well during the debates.

However, I feel Marco Rubio is the standout candidate so far even though I disagree with him on two of his policies ie immigration and the NSA Surveillance stance.

Of course the race is still a long way off.  There are the debates starting in August which will  flush out those who can't handle the heat. We'll also have the Dems digging up dirt on those candidates they feel the most threatened by. That could take a few candidates down. And last, there's always the unpredictable. The one thing no pundit, political expert or campaign manager can ever forecast that could elevate a candidate to be the nominee or take them out of the picture completely. That's the way it goes.

However the races turn out, I'll be here watching, analyzing, putting my two cents in and blogging away. Let the best man or woman win!


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