Friday, June 5, 2015

The Hit Jobs Have Begun ...

Okay folks,  I guess the games have begun. Here's a link to a NYT's article about the driving records of Marco Rubio and his wife:

No doubt this is only the beginning of the mud slinging by the Dems against any GOP candidate who stands a chance of winning the presidency. Those they do not view as a threat will be coddled, positively interviewed and treated kindly with hopes they'll be lulled into thinking they have a chance. That's exactly what they did to McCain and look what happened. They knew they could win running Obama against him and they were right. And the Republicans just let it happen without a fight.

The Dems knew Romney had a chance and slung as much mud as possible at him.  But I don't think it was the mud slinging that caused his loss as his background was pretty pristine.  If you remember, the worst they could come up with was about the family dog travel conditions. Then they tried to claim he was hiding info re: his taxes or something to that affect. That turned out to be a lie.

Both Romney and McCain lost to Obama cause they wouldn't fight back or really challenge the Dems about their stances. They were the types of candidates the Dems love to run against, knowing they could basically walk all over them, accuse them of stuff that was not true and mud sling and they would just take it.

Whomever we choose for the GOP candidate I hope he or she is a fighter who won't stand back and let the bullies take over.


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