Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Riots in Baltimore

When the Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake issued the following statement and then rebutted the statement with another, I was astounded by the absurdity of it all. Here's what she first said:

“I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” she said to the press.

“It’s a very delicate balancing act, because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well,” the mayor said.

Here's the rebuttal:

"I did not instruct police to give space to protesters who were seeking to create violence or destruction of property," she wrote. "Taken in context, I explained that, in giving peaceful demonstrators room to share their message, unfortunately, those who were seeking to incite violence also had space to operate."

She did too 'instruct police to give space to protesters who were seeking to create violence or destruction of property'. If she hadn't, then WHO else had the authority to do so?

Never in my life would I think a Police Commissioner would tell his officers to stand down during riots and let the violence play out,  the looters loot and make no move to stop or prevent such actions. The Mayor can try and back pedal all she wants to not take blame for the violence allowed in her city, but her words and actions are all on video and in print. Inescapable evidence.

Why she decided to not let the police take action against the violence is open for discussion. She is either extremely naïve, not the brightest bulb in the pack or is completely mired in political correctness to have let what happen, happen. Since she took so long to make any kind of public statement about what was happening in her city and what, if anything, she planned on doing about it, she might have been awaiting instruction from the Obama people before doing so. I would not be one bit surprised if this was the case.

Speaking of Obama. He is now blaming the republicans for the mess in Baltimore.  Baltimore's been run by democrats since the late 1960s! It never ceases to amaze me how easily the POTUS lies and what's even more amazing, is how much of the American public believe those lies and how easily the republicans comply with those lies and rarely speak out against them.

Meanwhile, the crisis continues in Iran, the Supreme Court is voting on gay marriage, the Clinton Cash saga continues, the border is a mess, the economy is in trouble and Obama continues to fiddle while America burns. Or maybe all that is happening is exactly what he wants to happen...


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