Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Marco Rubio announces

As I sat down in front of the tv to watch Marco Rubio announce his run for the presidency, I wasn't sure what to expect. I've watched him speak before and found I liked him very much. But this time was different. I was completely blown away.

Why?  What was so over the top and different about this one? And why was his speech much more moving than either Rand's or Cruz's, both of which were well done?

I really don't know. I can't point a finger to one particular aspect. I just know I was spellbound. And I think once the general public hears him speak, they'll feel the same and his numbers will rise.

However, it's still early in the game and there are many more candidates yet to announce on the republican side. Then there's the debates and of course all the dirt digging that'll take place that could take out a candidate in a day, ruin their reputation and bingo, they're toast.

Whether Rubio will be able to sustain and hold up under the constant scrutiny and pressure of running for president, only time will tell. But he gives a darn good speech.


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