Saturday, April 11, 2015

Obama's Speech at Summit of the America's

Just finished watching and listening to Obama's speech at the Summit of the America's. The focus was supposed to be on Cuba and our new relationship with the country.

However, a huge chunk of time was spent on the nuclear talks with Iran as several journalists asked about it.  And wow, to put it mildly, he was incredibly defensive. He went on and on defending his stance. You could see the anger in his eyes while speaking on the topic. No doubt Mr. Obama feels attacked, cornered and angry by Netanyahu and congress for questioning his authority and ability to come up with a deal that is beneficial to us as well as our allies. Add to this, Iran slinging mud and questioning Obama and what a mess.

The POTUS was also asked about Hilary Clinton's intentions to announce a run for the presidency tomorrow.  Mr. Obama praised her from here to high heaven and went on to say what a great SOS she's been and on and on. Really ???

Makes me wonder if it was really supposed to be about Cuba since so much time was spent on other topics such as Iran and Hilary. Very, very interesting.


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