Thursday, October 3, 2013

Obama Care, Debt Ceiling, Middle East & Benghazi ... what next ???

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" The famous scene from Network speaks as clearly today as it did back in the 70s.  It describes well how the general public should be feeling about what's happening in politics today.

Unfortunately a good majority of the public do not pay enough attention to what's happening in politics to the degree where they really understand what's happening at this moment in history. And that's sad. Or many of us are paying attention but are afraid to speak out or are hoping the politicians we elected will do their jobs and have the guts to do so.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Marco Rubio, newly elected 'tea party' favorites seem to be the only ones listening and trying their best to represent us. But it seems even their voices are muffled, shouted down, minimized or ridiculed. Will they continue to have the courage of their convictions, to represent those who trust them to do what they campaigned on? Who knows.

Meanwhile, the White House, the Senate and their leaders continue to hold strong and play the PR game well. Having a large portion of the press in their pockets helps. The House seems to sincerely being trying hard to be heard but if a tree falls in a forest and no one's there to hear it, did it really fall?

I've been reading, listening to and watching various media as the issues of ObamaCare, the debt ceiling issue,  Middle East problems, Benghazi and so many other important events unfold and how the news and our elected officials report and deal with it. Unless you are the type of person who has the time or passion to follow what's happening, you only get a small piece of the pie. And often it's filtered through someone elses' take on the situation.

C-SPAN is one vehicle in which to try to get unbiased information by watching the House and Senate in action. Listening to and watching our representatives talk during sessions on the topics of interest. Once you do, you realize how biased the media really is. But few have the interest. Most people it seems would rather watch reality shows, maybe a few minutes of the news or live stream movies. A little escape is not a bad thing. Total escape leads to ignorance and an ill informed public which in turn leads to electing officials who do what they want in order to stay in power or to fit in with the right crowd rather than what we elected them to do.

We get what we deserve.

But I refuse to give in, drop out and just hope for the best. I'll continue to pay attention, contact my elected officials with where I stand on various issues and support those not from my district or state with whom I feel honestly represent me in the arena. I feel it's my duty as an American to care what happens and put my two cents in regardless of whether it's paid attention to or not. I do because I can. IN many other countries you can't. Food for thought ...


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