Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Obama and important decisions

I'm back! It's been awhile,  but with so much happening I feel the need to start putting my two cents in about the Middle East, the presidential races, what's happening culturally in the U.S. and of course a rant or two about our current Commander in Chief.

I'll start with a rant about our dearly beloved president. On a regular basis,  he crosses lines, violates our constitution and tells untruths as the media likes to put it versus saying he out and out lies. He makes unilateral decisions via Executive Orders without consulting congress.

And Obama spins. His minions spin. And a majority of the media also helps him spin to his advantage. Or they simply omit reporting what they think might shine a negative light on him. Every politician to a certain extent spins, tells untruths, misspeaks and/or obfuscates for marketing purposes. I know, marketing purposes doesn't sound right, but that's what it's all about. Marketing their ideas, bills or decisions to a public in order to sell their product.  So they spin, polish and put a good face on things.  It's politics. I understand that.

But what has happened to the Media acting as the Fourth Estate? Where are the tough questions? Where's the fact checking?  But I digress. That's definitely a topic for another post.

Back to the rant about Mr. Obama. Our president is the leader of the free world. He's supposed to protect us, do what's right and in America's best interest. Truth be told,  I do not see him doing that. 

In regards to the Middle East and elsewhere, he seems to be aligning himself with the bullies of the world and/or not standing up to them at all. He's making, what appears to be,  weak deals with the Iranians, letting Russia's Putin quietly grasp more and more power and territory and doing almost nothing to really help Israel, our strongest and best ally in the ME during this time of crisis. Nor does he seem to be helping to fight the good fight,  in general against the terrorist groups.  Is he really that naïve to think appeasement is the way to go? We all know that you either stand up to bullies or you'll be dominated by them.  So why is he not standing up to them and giving away the store so to speak?Surely he is surrounded by experienced political and military advisors who offer sage advice. Or does he possibly have another agenda that we aren't aware of? Wish I had some answers.

I'm glad John Boehner and his gang are questioning Obama and insisting on a say with the current situation. I'm also extremely impressed with Netanyahu for coming to this country, talking to the House and the American public to give us a head's up as to what's really happening. We, the American people need to hear his voice and listen to what he says. He's in the thick of it. Surrounded by countries and leaders who would like nothing more than to wipe Israel off the face of the earth as well as the U.S. But Israel stands strong and doesn't back down like our POTUS . . . It's hard to say this, but I believe more what Netanyahu has to say in regards to the ME and negotiations, than our own president. Very sad.


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