A microcosm of political correctness
She was busy talking with another adult and the kids were playing 'school'. A young boy, maybe 10ish was the 'teacher' and the rest of the kids were 'students'. The teacher threw out simple multiplication table type questions and the students shouted out answers. Though the kids ranged from 5 to 12 or 13, all did well. But one answered every math question correctly and clearly did the best. The teacher could see this and gave her harder and harder math questions. The student continued to do well. It was delightful to see all the kids compete, excell and laugh or frown depending on how they did.
Eventually, the receptionist called the child who had the appointment to go with the hygenist. The math quiz was over. But before all was said and done, the teacher pointed out the student who continued to get every question right was the winner. The student beamed.
Meanwhile mom stopped chatting with her adult friend and focused on what was going on. When she watched and heard the teacher single out the super star student, mom thought okay, this is enough and let all the students know that there was no winner. They all did well. The teacher started to stutter wanting mom to know that the superstar student had all the answers right. But mom didn't want to listen. She continued to tell all the kids how well they did.
The above story plays out every day. Excellence and competition are not encouraged or recognized. Everyone is a star regardless of performance. No one loses. Everyone wins. Isn't it sad that this is where our country has landed...