Friday, March 26, 2010

A microcosm of political correctness

While at the dentist the other day, sitting in the waiting room I was surrounded by a mother with 5 kids. That's right, 5 kids !!!

She was busy talking with another adult and the kids were playing 'school'. A young boy, maybe 10ish was the 'teacher' and the rest of the kids were 'students'. The teacher threw out simple multiplication table type questions and the students shouted out answers. Though the kids ranged from 5 to 12 or 13, all did well. But one answered every math question correctly and clearly did the best. The teacher could see this and gave her harder and harder math questions. The student continued to do well. It was delightful to see all the kids compete, excell and laugh or frown depending on how they did.

Eventually, the receptionist called the child who had the appointment to go with the hygenist. The math quiz was over. But before all was said and done, the teacher pointed out the student who continued to get every question right was the winner. The student beamed.

Meanwhile mom stopped chatting with her adult friend and focused on what was going on. When she watched and heard the teacher single out the super star student, mom thought okay, this is enough and let all the students know that there was no winner. They all did well. The teacher started to stutter wanting mom to know that the superstar student had all the answers right. But mom didn't want to listen. She continued to tell all the kids how well they did.

The above story plays out every day. Excellence and competition are not encouraged or recognized. Everyone is a star regardless of performance. No one loses. Everyone wins. Isn't it sad that this is where our country has landed...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Its a done deal ...

I can't believe the health care bill passed. Well, yes I can but I don't want to believe it. How could it have passed? Certainly those who voted for it must know and understand the consequences, yet still they passed it? Could they be that myopic? Apparently, yes. Either that or completely corrupt and short sighted.

I wonder what they had on Stupak and some of the others to make them change their vote. Is this the type of country and government we want? Is this how its going to be ? Is there a chance in hell that somehow we can repeal the bill or kill it somehow in the future?

My fears are that the genie is out of the bottle and can't be returned.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Showdown on Capitol Hill

Its almost time for the showdown on Capitol Hill. Arms have been twisted, deals have been made, promises - promised and the final hour is just about here. 216 votes is what's needed for a government takeover of the health care industry and 1/6th of our economy. I shudder to think of the consequences if this bill passes ...

Some sources say, the votes are there, some say they're not. All the pundits, politicians, strategests, etc agree its close.

I'm hoping against hope that there are more politicians with common sense and a conscious than there are ones who can be bought or promised the moon if they just say yes. Or more politicians that fear not being re-elected in November more than then they fear the wrath of the powers that be.

If this bill passes and goes onto be law eventually, that's the beginning of the end of free enterprise, capitalism and the best health care in the world.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama on Fox

Wow. Just watched Brett Baier's interview of Barack Obama. The president dodged, weaved and rarely answered questions. Not surprising as he acted like most politicians.

However, what was uplifting was Obama's defensive stance, his fillibustering, and the aggressive manner towards Baier. It made Obama look like a bully and a sore loser at the same time. The president didn't do himself any favors and I think cut off his nose to spite his face. Couldn't be more happy for that!

I'm betting health care doesn't pass.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Catching Up

Watched Glenn Beck's interview with Massa last night. What a disappointment and a snore. Nothing new was learned. Glenn apologized near the end of the show and he was right to do so. Looks like Massa's 15 minutes of fame are up.

Local politics are heating up. Lots of conflict within the republican party between the moderates and conservatives. Regardless of which way one leans, I believe a united party is better than a divided one. I'm hoping people will be able to work out their differences and move on. Wasting time on petty stuff is harmful and won't win elections.

Can't believe Nancy Pelosi says we should pass the current health bill so people can find out what's in it. Huh ??? What planet does she live on???

Lots of infighting in the Democratic party on the national level. I'm thinking they're going to implode. And soon.

That's about all for now. Slowly getting back into the political swing of things but I'm not 100% there yet.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Massa & Emmanuel

I've been out of the political loop lately, but just learned about the shoot-out between Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff and NY Democratic Rep, Eric Massa. All I can say is wow. Beck is to have Massa for a full hour on his show tomorrow night. I'll finally be home and will be glued to the tv . More to come ...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Its the same everywhere

Currently in South Carolina and loving it. Its a beautiful state with lots to offer. Not to mention that its politics are pretty Conservative. So I feel right at home.

However, while browsing a gallery the other day I got to chatting with the owner, who moved here from PA. Somehow we got to discussing politics (seems to follow me wherever I go even when I don't bring up the subject). She started ragging on the state and especially Jim DeMint, one of my favorite Conservative Senator's. She assumed because I'm involved in the arts, that I'm also a liberal. Obviously wrong.

Boy, did I get an earful about the rednecks, the Conservative Southerner's who she says are running the state into the ground (not from what I can tell) and of course how George Bush is to blame for the crummy economy and all else wrong in the world. I wanted to ask her that if it was so bad here, why doesn't she move back to PA?

Bottom line. It doesn't make a difference where you live, liberal's chant the same thing over and over, think they know best and of course blame Bush for everything.

I'm thinking they're in for a huge awakening come November and I can't wait !

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday Morning Talk Show Round up on Health Care Bill

I'm out of town and don't have much time to blog. But I did watch most of the Sunday morning talking heads and wanted to comment.

The big names on the various shows were John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Cantor and Lamar Alexander.

Pelosi, as usual is living in an alternate universe with her opinion that the Republican Party is directing the Tea Party. I don't think so! She also claimed that the Dems share alot of their values, trying to give the impression that she and the Tea Party on the same page with many issues. What a crock! Then she was asked to grade herself and of course gave herself an A for effort but went on to blame the republicans for not getting as much as passed as she'd like. The rest was just the usual b.s.

McCain was McCain. With the exception of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, he's an opportunist just like the rest and is now taking on a more Conservative outlook. Guess he's looking to get re-elected. Funny how so many Republicans run on Conservative values and then vote moderate and behave like RINO's when in office...

Eric Cantor was a breath of fresh air. When asked a direct question, he gave a direct answer. Regarding the health care bill, Cantor stated that if the Dems vote for the current plan, they'll lose their majority. When asked what are his solutions to bring down the cost of health care, he stated the following: Tort Reform, universal care access but at the state level, the ability to purchase insurance across state lines. He would also would like to get rid of all the mandates as there is no plus side to government interference. I like this guy!

Lamar Alexander said that the current bill cuts Medicare in order to fund other initiatives, would raise taxes by a half trillion dollars and would also raise premiums. In addition it would shift cost to the states. Last he mentioned how at present, about 50% of doctors won't see Medicade patients because of low and tardy reimbursement payments. So why involve government more? Alexander also echoed Cantor's prediction that if the Dems vote in the current health care bill, they'd lose their majority. Alexander's another Republican I like. He answers questions with direct answers but does so in a non-combative and calm way.

For the most part the commentators ie Cokie Roberts, Mara Liasson, George Will, Liz Cheney, etc. all agree that by passing the health care bill as written would contribute to a loss of the Dem's majority. A few dissentors were Klugman and Donaldson (no surprise there!).