Saturday, March 20, 2010

Showdown on Capitol Hill

Its almost time for the showdown on Capitol Hill. Arms have been twisted, deals have been made, promises - promised and the final hour is just about here. 216 votes is what's needed for a government takeover of the health care industry and 1/6th of our economy. I shudder to think of the consequences if this bill passes ...

Some sources say, the votes are there, some say they're not. All the pundits, politicians, strategests, etc agree its close.

I'm hoping against hope that there are more politicians with common sense and a conscious than there are ones who can be bought or promised the moon if they just say yes. Or more politicians that fear not being re-elected in November more than then they fear the wrath of the powers that be.

If this bill passes and goes onto be law eventually, that's the beginning of the end of free enterprise, capitalism and the best health care in the world.


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