Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Its the same everywhere

Currently in South Carolina and loving it. Its a beautiful state with lots to offer. Not to mention that its politics are pretty Conservative. So I feel right at home.

However, while browsing a gallery the other day I got to chatting with the owner, who moved here from PA. Somehow we got to discussing politics (seems to follow me wherever I go even when I don't bring up the subject). She started ragging on the state and especially Jim DeMint, one of my favorite Conservative Senator's. She assumed because I'm involved in the arts, that I'm also a liberal. Obviously wrong.

Boy, did I get an earful about the rednecks, the Conservative Southerner's who she says are running the state into the ground (not from what I can tell) and of course how George Bush is to blame for the crummy economy and all else wrong in the world. I wanted to ask her that if it was so bad here, why doesn't she move back to PA?

Bottom line. It doesn't make a difference where you live, liberal's chant the same thing over and over, think they know best and of course blame Bush for everything.

I'm thinking they're in for a huge awakening come November and I can't wait !


Blogger Unknown said...

Right On!

March 3, 2010 at 7:06 AM  

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