Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another One Bites The Dust

Matt Lauer of NBC has been fired due to a complaint filed against him about sexual misconduct.

Let me see .... how many Lefties now have been let go or accused of the very  crimes they have often accused others of? Projection is HUGE with the Democrats.

Here is the list of the Liberal Left of Hollywood, politics, the media and the entertainment world accused of sexual assault, misconduct, discrimination or whatever you want to call it.

Anthony Weiner
Harvey Weinstein
Al Franken
John Conyers
Kevin Spacey
Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys)
John Lasseter (Head of Pixar @ Disney)
Charlie Rose (PBS)
Russell Simmons (NAACP)
Glen Thrush (NYT's Reporter)
Sylvester Stallone

Oh wait. What about former POTUS Bill Clinton???

The list literally goes on and on with about 40 or more names, totally 60!

The Right accused of sexual misconduct?

The late Roger Ails previously President of Fox News
Bill O'Reilly previously of Fox News
Roy Moore Senate Candidate

Wonder how many more shoes will drop on the Left side of the aisle???

Sorry. But I can't help but feel a bit of satisfaction that these Liberals are being called out, exposed and forced to admit to their hypocritical behavior. Though Al Franken has yet to really do so, along with Conyers.

I think the Swamp is slowly being drained in more places other than D.C.

To see the full list of sexual misconduct, assault, etc. click the link below:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Repealing of OCare Mandate Included In Senate Tax Reform Bill

Senator Tom Cotton deserves credit for bringing Republicans around to a daring, controversial, and politically brilliant idea: repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate through the Republican tax overhaul.

 Cotton “brought Obamacare repeal back from the dead,” Politico reports. He rallied his fellow Republican lawmakers behind the idea by showing them how the tax savings from ending the individual mandate could be used to broaden the tax cuts without blowing past debt limits imposed by Senate rules, according to Politico.

Far from complicating tax reform efforts, the inclusion of the repeal simplifies it. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the repeal will save the government $338 billion over the next decade. That made room for the expansion of child tax credits, local property tax credits, and small business tax credits without offending the sensibilities of deficit hawks.

The above is an excerpt from a Breitbart article. To read the full article, click the link below.

Btw, I absolutely LOVE the idea of including the repeal of the OCare mandate. Way to go Tom Cotton!

Tax Bill & Process Explained By Speaker Paul Ryan

Here's a link to the Town Hall hosted by Fox News Tuesday night, November 14, 2017 with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Truly worth the time watching. Very informative, yet entertaining also.

Lasts 48 minutes.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

LePage's Response To Vote On Medicaid Expansion

Governor LePage Issues Statement on Medicaid Expansion
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Contact: Julie Rabinowitz, Press Secretary, 207-287-2531

AUGUSTA – Governor Paul R. LePage has issued a statement in response to Mainers approving a referendum that will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars to give “free” health care to working-age, able-bodied adults, most of whom do not have dependents.

“The last time Maine experimented with Medicaid expansion in 2002 under then-governor Angus King, it created a $750 million debt to hospitals, resulted in massive budget shortfalls every year, did not reduce emergency room use, did not reduce the number of uninsured Mainers and took resources away from our most vulnerable residents—the elderly and the intellectually and physically disabled,” said Governor LePage.

“Credit agencies are predicting that this fiscally irresponsible Medicaid expansion will be ruinous to Maine’s budget. Therefore, my administration will not implement Medicaid expansion until it has been fully funded by the Legislature at the levels DHHS has calculated, and I will not support increasing taxes on Maine families, raiding the rainy day fund or reducing services to our elderly or disabled.”

Maine Ballot Results

On the way to a Single Payer system in Maine re: health care? Looks that way as Maine voted to expand Medicaid eligibility. 

It was a No vote to add an additional casino/slot machines in York County.

Last, Mainers gave the okay for additional funding of infrastructure and pension funds.

Looks like we're turning into a Blue State if we're not already there.  Sad ...

To see how towns voted on the various ballot questions, click the link below.