Ted Cruz's Amendment To OCare Bill
Here's an informative read by the Senate Conservative Fund which somewhat details Ted Cruz's amendment and how it'll help lower premiums, etc. Of course at the bottom, they're asking for financial support. That's a given and can be ignored or whatever.
"According to a new report conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the "Consumer Freedom" amendment proposed by Senator Ted Cruz would reduce health insurance premiums by more than $7,000 per year and help over two million more Americans get health insurance.
The Consumer Freedom amendment would allow consumers to buy health insurance free from Obamacare’s insurance regulations while also permitting consumers to continue to buy plans subject to Obamacare’s insurance regulations.
The idea is very simple. If you want the heavily regulated, more expensive Obamacare plan, you can have it ... but if you want a flexible, less expensive market-based plan, you can have that too. It's your choice as it should be!
The result is more competition and lower prices for everyone.
According to HHS, those who sign up for Obamacare-compliant Silver plans would pay on average $380 per month in 2024, down from $845 per month projected under current law. Consumers who purchase plans outside of the Obamacare mandates would save even more money by 2024 and would pay only $240 per month on average.
If Senate Republicans want to include a common sense reform to the repeal bill they passed in 2015, Cruz's Consumer Freedom amendment is just what the doctor ordered.
Another Cruz amendment would allow Americans to pay their health insurance premiums using tax-free Health Savings Accounts, something that is not currently allowed. This change would lower the cost of coverage even more.
Unfortunately, many Republicans don't want to repeal Obamacare, even coupled with good reforms, and only want to vote for bills supported by Democrats.
That's why it was a major mistake for Senator Mitch McConnell to offer a bipartisan bailout of Obamacare if repeal fails. He surrendered at the outset and made it easier for moderates to oppose repeal.
You can help stiffen their spines by pledging to support primary challengers against liberal Republicans who oppose repeal.
Make a pledge today and we will let you know if we find strong conservative challengers in their future elections.
This is the only way to get them to support repeal. We have to make it in their political interest to do so.
Thank you for supporting conservative leadership in Washington. We're grateful to have you on our team."

Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF
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"According to a new report conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the "Consumer Freedom" amendment proposed by Senator Ted Cruz would reduce health insurance premiums by more than $7,000 per year and help over two million more Americans get health insurance.
The Consumer Freedom amendment would allow consumers to buy health insurance free from Obamacare’s insurance regulations while also permitting consumers to continue to buy plans subject to Obamacare’s insurance regulations.
The idea is very simple. If you want the heavily regulated, more expensive Obamacare plan, you can have it ... but if you want a flexible, less expensive market-based plan, you can have that too. It's your choice as it should be!
The result is more competition and lower prices for everyone.
According to HHS, those who sign up for Obamacare-compliant Silver plans would pay on average $380 per month in 2024, down from $845 per month projected under current law. Consumers who purchase plans outside of the Obamacare mandates would save even more money by 2024 and would pay only $240 per month on average.
If Senate Republicans want to include a common sense reform to the repeal bill they passed in 2015, Cruz's Consumer Freedom amendment is just what the doctor ordered.
Another Cruz amendment would allow Americans to pay their health insurance premiums using tax-free Health Savings Accounts, something that is not currently allowed. This change would lower the cost of coverage even more.
Unfortunately, many Republicans don't want to repeal Obamacare, even coupled with good reforms, and only want to vote for bills supported by Democrats.
That's why it was a major mistake for Senator Mitch McConnell to offer a bipartisan bailout of Obamacare if repeal fails. He surrendered at the outset and made it easier for moderates to oppose repeal.
You can help stiffen their spines by pledging to support primary challengers against liberal Republicans who oppose repeal.
Make a pledge today and we will let you know if we find strong conservative challengers in their future elections.
This is the only way to get them to support repeal. We have to make it in their political interest to do so.
Thank you for supporting conservative leadership in Washington. We're grateful to have you on our team."
Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF
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