Thursday, July 20, 2017

I Need To Rant!

So I've been following the back and forth in regards to the R&R of OCare and I'm totally disgusted.

The GOP and most of its' Senators and House Reps have voted in the past to R&R.

In fact, they pretty much waxed poetic about what a sham it is, how'll it limits freedom of choice for all Americans, how it's a pox upon the healthcare system.

In fact, I heard the other day from a reliable source and NOT a fake news site, that all both the Senate and the House voted to R&R OCare a couple of times since it was put into action.

The only exception is Maine's beloved Susie Collins. Though I'm definitely not a fan of hers, at least she's not a hypocrite as far as OCare goes.

But I digress.

So why the reluctance, inability or whatever you want to call it, NOT to vote for a full repeal now?


Our POTUS was right when he talked about the DC swamp. It's corrupt as heck with K Street/Lobbyists pulling the strings of so many of our elected officials.

So therein lies the true reason a majority of the Republicans won't do the right thing and repeal.

They are OWNED by the lobbyists. Hook, line and sinker.  In fact, the lobbyists practically write the darn bills.

How do they have so much power?

They fund our representatives campaigns, trade favors and on and on.

WTP seem to have no say or power with this quid pro quo game that's played in DC.

EXCEPT come election time. And that's right around the corner for some in 2018.

So who will our elected politicians choose?

WTP who put them into office, believing their campaign promises or the lobbyists/K Street crowd who fund those campaigns? Fine line to walk. Will be VERY interesting to see who they decide to represent down the road.

There are exceptions to the above.

Ted Cruz, who earned my admiration and respect during the 2016 elections and whom I voted for.

As I've written previously, he offered an amendment to the R&R bill that would have allowed health insurance companies to offer 2 plans. One for those who like OCare that would take care of those with pre-existing conditions, etc. and one for anyone else who would like a health care account, a catastrophic plan and/or the ability to customize a plan just for them. But that amendment was rejected and/or didn't help matters.


Once again. Money. Lobbyists. K Street.

There are also a few others like Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio and some from the Freedom Caucus who seem to be sticking to their campaign promises of R&R. Or even just repeal the entire plan period.

Hats off to the above. They'll have my support come re-election time in more ways than one...

Of course all is not over. Yet. Trump had lunch with the gang yesterday I think it was, or maybe the day before and maybe, just maybe something positive will come out of it. Only time will tell.

One more mini rant before I close about Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, Majority Leader of the Senate and Speaker of the House.

Both are swamp creatures. No doubt in my mind. They should be voted out of their leadership roles. Most likely though that'll never happen. And that's too bad.

But neither have done anything to improve the whole OCare debacle. Not a darn thing. They're the elected leaders but neither has led.  At least in the sense where they could build a R&R that all factions could live with.

Mitch McConnell is up for reelection in 2020. Ryan in 2018. Those dates may be the only chance we'll have to get rid of them and vote in someone new who might actually do their jobs as representing WTP.

Bottom line.

I'm hoping for a miracle with R&R OCare. I'm hoping that somehow, someway both the Senate and the House will have a 'come to Jesus' moment and do the right thing. But I highly doubt it.

Our only chance is to vote those who refused to do what WTP elected them to do, out of office when their terms are up.

Meanwhile, our health care system has the strong probability of going the single payer route (which it was designed to do in the first place). Consequently, we'll be stuck with care that resembles what's offered in the UK, Canada and other countries.

Once or if we go the single payer route, God help us...

Okay. I'm done. Have a nice day everyone.


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