Thursday, July 6, 2017

Great Bill Offered By Senator Rand Paul !

Here's a link to a Fox News article about legislation proposed by Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky.

In brief, the bill asks that members of congress be required to read all bills brought forth for a vote.

Sounds like a no brainer, huh? I mean isn't it their job to read bills before voting nay or yay? To wade into the weeds, learn the details and then decide what's best for We The People? 

Unfortunately it's not the case. Many do NOT read the bills before voting.

Why not?

Because bills are often thousands of pages long and there's just not enough time.

Not enough time you ask? How can that be?

Well, many spend up to 40% of their time raising funds for re-election. Add to that brief periods of time of actually being in session and thus being able to vote. Not to forget their frequent and extended time away from D.C. for so called constituent time. Do our elected officials REALLY spend THAT much time with the American people?

Somehow I doubt it. I rarely recall when I was directly involved in town and county politics, Susie Collins or Olympia Snowe spending a whole lot of time discussing bills and policies with WTP. Usually, the only time we saw or spoke with them was when they were running for re-election.

But I digress.

Will the bill proposed by Senator Paul realistically be considered or actually passed?

Somehow I doubt it. Why would politicians force themselves to do stuff they really don't want to? Like cut their vacation time? Or put restrictions or penalties on themselves?


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