Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Huma Takes Weiner Back

No doubt Huma Abedin has a few loose screws.  You can't make this stuff up.

Read on ...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Bit Of Much Needed Humor

A List Of The Trump Admin Leaks As Reported By The MSM

Compliments of Gateway Pundit. Includes commentary and analysis also.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Zuckerberg Calls For The Government To Give Out Free Money!

Not only does Trump have to fight against the MSM, the Democrats, some Republicans, globalists, the liberal 'group think/indoctrination' of our children in public schools and colleges, etc.  He also has to battle Facebook and Silicon Valley corporations which are pushing for social and economic justice through government handouts.

As if we don't already provide enough entitlement money...

Read on.

POTUS Trip To S.A., Israel, Italy & More

Image result for images of trump in saudi arabia

Good morning all. It has been quite the busy week with not a lot of time to blog. But I have been paying attention to all that's been happening on the political front and have much to report on.

Here are my thoughts.

First. President Trump's trip abroad to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, Brussels & Sicily.

Thought he did a fantastic job getting across his agenda. Especially with his speech in S.A. Which was outstanding and included many leaders of Arab countries in attendance.

What was the POTUS' agenda?

To support and respect the practices and differences of religious freedom as long as it does not interfere with the global effort of trying to eradicate terrorism that kills innocent people.

That everyone, including the Middle East countries, should do their best to 'drive out' those who would do harm to others in the name of their God.

For those who missed this groundbreaking talk from the POTUS, click the link below to watch. Lasts 34 minutes.

The next leg of the trip was to Israel. No doubt POTUS and Netanyahu have a warm and friendly relationship.

Of special note.

President Trump is the first U.S. President to visit the Western/Wailing wall, which is the 2nd most holiest place in Israel, after the Temple Mount. Israeli soldiers and other notables are sworn in and/or memorialized here. It also hosts visiting Jews from all over the world, where they are allowed to leave notes to God in the cracks of the wall.

Following Israel was a flight to Italy and the Vatican. Only watched bits and pieces of this visit. And from what I can recall, the Pope did not seem very engaged or impressed nor was he warm and particularly friendly to the POTUS. But so be it. Can't win them all.

Then there was his trip to Brussels, Belgium. Of particular importance and interest, was his meeting at NATO before member countries. Here he spoke about the need for all members to pay their fair share to support their collective defense against terrorism and other enemies. Only 5 countries pay the designated 2% of their country's gross domestic product towards defense. They are as follows:

U.S.                     3.61%
Greece                 2.38%
Britain                 2.21%
Estonia                2.16%
Poland                 2.00%

The last leg of his grueling, overseas trip is to Sicily where the President will visit troops. That happens tomorrow. Then he heads back home to the U.S.

Overall, I thought the trip went very well though you'd never know that if you only follow the MSM, which barely reported, if at all about it all.

Meanwhile, back home during Trump's trip abroad, the MSM continued the steady Anti-Trump drumbeat of pushing the Russian collusion issue, along with bashing the proposed tax bill and how the R&R of OCare bill will kill babies, the elderly and on and on. Not ONE positive thing was said about his overseas trip.

Other news, that you won't hear much about on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc is how the Obama Administration used illegal means to spy on Americans, political foes, etc. via FISA court orders for years. This is serious business. Last I heard is that the Trump Administration has ordered the Justice Department to look into. For this story, here's a link to CIRCA which broke the news.

Moving on.

The POTUS has now hired an attorney in regards to the so-called Russian collusion issue. He is also  still looking to replace FBI Director James Comey. A few have dropped out of the running for various reasons, so the search continues. No doubt it's extremely important to find someone soon, but only if they're the right person who can be non-partisan and above reproach. Does such a person exist these days? Who knows.

To wrap things up (and I could on and on with so much happening politically!), Trump has had an excellent week overseas. But most of the press is not reporting it either at all or in a positive light if they do so. They continue to fill the airways, social media and the internet with negative allegations, innuendo and out and out lies about the president and now even his son in law, Jared Kushner.

I can only imagine what it's going to be like for the President once he returns. Though I imagine he must feel at least a bit bolstered by the success of his trip abroad.

One last note. Former FBI Director Comey's hearing begins next week, after the Memorial Day holiday. He is expected to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in regards to the Russian fiasco. Boy oh boy. Can't wait to see how that all goes.

Stay tuned.

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Man In The Arena

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Seth Richards, DNC Staffer Shot Twice In The Back

Officials at the time surmised it was a botched robbery. But nothing was taken from him.

New evidence recently acquired by a PI hired by the Rich family reveals that Seth was in prior contact with WikiLeaks.

The plot now thickens...

Read on for the details.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Almost No Media Reporting About Suit Againt DNC

Great article from Lifezette about how none of the media, including FoxNews, talk radio, etc. has been covering the lawsuits against the DNC in regards to favoritism, cheating, etc. during the 2016 presidential election.

If the GOP was smart politically, they would be sure to put this story out front and center, harp on it endlessly and make it an issue during the 2018 mid-term elections. Could really help us to gain more seats and thus gain more political power.

Take a few minutes to read the article.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jude Napolitano's Thoughts On The AHCA

Informative analysis of the recently passed health care bill written by the House Republicans. Not all.

Levin On Comey Firing

10 Major Scandals During Comey's Watch

Very brief article by Again, think Trump made the right decision to fire the guy.

FBI Director Comey Fired!

President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey this week. I don't think anyone, other than his inner circle really know the true reasons.Though of course there's a ton of conjecture by the press. None of which can be substantiated as of yet.

My guess is that the truth will come out eventually and most likely Trump will be proven that he made the right decision.

Just like in the past, when Trump tweeted how he and his team were being surveilled during the elections, the press mocked and called him crazy. But he was found to be correct. And I bet he'll be proven to be right again this time. But not before the Dems and the Press do everything in their power to persuade WTP otherwise.

I give the POTUS a ton of credit for not being afraid to make what he feels are the right decisions. Takes a lot of courage these days to go against the tide and the rantings of the Dems and Liberal Media.

But that's why Mr. Trump was elected. WTP wanted someone who had the courage of their convictions, who would do his best to do the right thing and wouldn't be intimidated and afraid of those who oppose him.

I say Three Cheers for our POTUS. Continue draining the swamp!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Obama & The NSA

"During his final year in office, President Obama's team significantly expanded efforts to search National Security Agency intercepts for information about Americans, distributing thousands of intelligence reports across government with the unredacted names of U.S. residents during the midst of a divisive 2016 presidential election. "

The above is an excerpt from an excellent, detailed article from, an online news website. Long and somewhat tedious to read at times, but worth it.

No doubt the current administration should be looking into this if they're not already.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Limbaugh Interviews VP Mike Pence

Interesting interview of VP Mike Pence by Rush Limbaugh yesterday. They discussed the current Omnibus Bill, R&R of OCare and the Korean issue amongst other topics. I heard most of it yesterday and want to note that it was quite the passionate discussion. Well worth the few minutes to read.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Budget/Spending Omnibus Bill: Looks Like A Win For The Dems

I will be thoroughly disgusted if the pending Budget/Spending Omnibus bill passes later this week.


Bill will not include funding for the wall.

Funds Planned Parenthood.

Withdraws many riders, including those that cut environmental funding.

Includes the allowance for more H1Visa's which employ low paying foreign workers vs hiring American

The list goes on and on.

Why oh why are we, the GOP,  who now hold the House, Senate and Presidency still letting the Dems call the shots?

So what if there's a government shut down! National Security, Social Security and other necessary government agencies would still operate. We should hold tough till we get what we want. End of story.

The Donald, author of the Art of the Deal will highly disappoint me if he signs.

For more details on what's in the bill and it's ramifications, click the following links. - Washington Post article. - Daily Signal article