Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Budget/Spending Omnibus Bill: Looks Like A Win For The Dems

I will be thoroughly disgusted if the pending Budget/Spending Omnibus bill passes later this week.


Bill will not include funding for the wall.

Funds Planned Parenthood.

Withdraws many riders, including those that cut environmental funding.

Includes the allowance for more H1Visa's which employ low paying foreign workers vs hiring American

The list goes on and on.

Why oh why are we, the GOP,  who now hold the House, Senate and Presidency still letting the Dems call the shots?

So what if there's a government shut down! National Security, Social Security and other necessary government agencies would still operate. We should hold tough till we get what we want. End of story.

The Donald, author of the Art of the Deal will highly disappoint me if he signs.

For more details on what's in the bill and it's ramifications, click the following links.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/after-their-spending-bill-win-democrats-confident-they-can-block-trumps-agenda/2017/05/01/5be2915e-2e97-11e7-9534-00e4656c22aa_story.html?utm_term=.6d0311b9ac92 - Washington Post article.

http://dailysignal.com/2017/04/28/congress-gives-itself-another-week-to-craft-spending-bill/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1dFME16SmpZelZoTldGbSIsInQiOiJiT1BIaDRLRjErM1hncVwvNGw2SlQ0bkhaWmg4cDNWZ1FsTG5lbksrU2NHc3Q4OVpiUHF6QzlsSjl5NzI2SFFlVHhETE9WcmJ4Z1VyamZjV01oWURTRFBHUlZMdkNDanZQYUh2aEVnUzhXdUh0a0Q1U01cL2ZMRjhNV3lhOVNzYXhSIn0%3D - Daily Signal article


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