Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell On FoxNFriends

Senator Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell was on FoxNFriends earlier this morning to market his new book 'The Long Game: A Memoir".

When questioned about what it was like to work with Obama,  he stressed how difficult it was to get anything done because the president wouldn't compromise on much. He also said that when Obama was lecturing and taking charge it was especially grating. One can only imagine ...

As a side note, the Majority Leader then promoted how much easier it was to get things done when Joe Biden participated in law making.

Hmmmmm... Wonder if that was a hint of who the Dems will replace Hillary with should she be indicted in re: email issue  (see Breitbart link on a Huff Post article here for details: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/05/30/exclusive-huffington-post-writer-editors-deleted-my-article-on-hillarys-imminent-indictment-disabled-me-from-writing/ ).

But I digress.

The above is all well and good and I don't doubt for a second McConnell's stance on the difficulty of working with Obama. The POTUS is one formidable politician.

However, while listening to the entire interview I grew tired of his blaming everyone but himself for Republican based laws that didn't pass. It's especially annoying to hear this because the GOP has had the majority in both the House and Senate.  What more could one ask for?

I know.  Majority Leaders with backbone, the courage of their convictions and more persuasive strategies.

In any case, I am looking forward to a changing of the guard as far as Majority Leaders go come 2017. Why do I think this may happen?

I can't help but surmise that McConnell thinks Trump will most likely win the presidency and doesn't plan on sticking around if that happens. Thus his writing the book now and striking while the iron's hot.

Meanwhile, I'm sure there's more interesting tidbits and gossip that'll come to light as the GOP Majority Leader continues to promote his book and more people read it.

5 Senators Send Letter To AG Loretta Lynch

Always good to learn there are Senators and/or Representatives who have some backbone,  do the right thing and don't back down. Here's an excerpt from the Daily Signal's article on the 5 Senators and what the letter was about:

"On Thursday, five U.S. senators sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch demanding that she stop using Justice Department “law enforcement resources to stifle private debate on one of the most controversial public issues of our time—climate change.

Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Mike Lee, R-Utah, Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., David Perdue, R-Ga., and David Vitter, R-La., expressed their concern over the response that Lynch gave at an oversight hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in March.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., was pressing Lynch to criminally investigate anyone who refuses to accept man-induced climate change as an unassailable fact."

Bottom line?

The Senators are now waiting for a response from the Justice Department to basically acknowledge their targeting of anti-climate change opponents and to cease and desist doing so in the future. The U.S. DOJ has 14 days to respond.

To read the full story click here:


Friday, May 27, 2016

Hillary & Obama Play The Ultimate Cat 'N Mouse Game

Looks like the drip, drip, drip of leaks, information and  FBI findings continue in regard to the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Add to this Bill's infamous playboy activities back in the 90s, the Clinton Cash scandal and last but not least, the Benghazi issue and I truly wonder how ANYONE could vote her  in as POTUS.

What's even more interesting is the fact that President Obama has not tried to put a stop to the investigations. And we know he has absolutely NO problem stepping in and inserting himself into issues when he wants to.

So what' the scoop?

On the one hand, it is known that there's no love lost between the Obama's and the Clinton's. So why did he nominate her SOS? And why not throw the book at her now by encouraging the FBI and others to expose and bring charges against her?


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

By playing the cat 'n mouse game, Obama  retains a certain amount of power. Hilary knows the current POTUS can take her down in a nano-second should he decide to. And that's why she kisses up big time. She wants the Oval Office more than anything else and will do whatever it takes to get there. Obama knows this and so does Hillary. Both know that she will owe him big time should she win the presidential election. Thus Obama, who plans on staying in DC would have a 3rd term dictating agenda behind the scenes with Hillary as the figurehead.

Sounds a little crazy and maybe House of Cards has made more of an impact on me than it should, but my gut is telling me that there's a huge game of chess going on between Obama and Hillary, with the FBI and others being used as pawns. In the end, I think Obama will win. And it'll be checkmate against the Clinton's once and for all.

Read on for the latest details concerning Hillary's mishandling of email communication while SOS:


The Trumpster Vs Bernie

According to CNN, it looks like it'll be a go for a debate between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders sometime before the California primary in June. 

But what about Hilary? Turns out she declined all challenges. Speaks volumes...

No doubt this will be a very entertaining event and a true ratings hit for whomever hosts.  Get your bowl of popcorn ready!

Big Brother Is Getting Even Bigger ...

"A provision snuck into the still-secret text of the Senate’s annual intelligence authorization would give the FBI the ability to demand individuals’ email data and possibly web-surfing history from their service providers without a warrant and in complete secrecy.

If passed, the change would expand the reach of the FBI’s already highly controversial national security letters. The FBI is currently allowed to get certain types of information with NSLs — most commonly, information about the name, address, and call data associated with a phone number or details about a bank account.

Since a 2008 Justice Department legal opinion, the FBI has not been allowed to use NSLs to demand “electronic communication transactional records,” such as email subject lines and other metadata, or URLs visited.

The spy bill passed the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, with the provision in it. The lone no vote came from Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who wrote in a statement that one of the bill’s provisions “would allow any FBI field office to demand email records without a court order, a major expansion of federal surveillance powers.”

The above is an excerpt taken from an article written by The Intercept. To read more click here:


What's most disturbing are the words  'without a warrant and in complete secrecy'.  How much privacy should we, as American citizens,  have to give up in the name of National Security??? That is the million dollar question...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Daily Signal

Here's a link to a great website, The Daily Signal which is a branch of the conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation.  They keep up with all the latest political activity well above and beyond what you'll hear, read or see from cable news, talk radio or other websites.

Today's articles consist of the 20,642 new regulations added by the Obama Administration, Congress and the Impeachment of the IRS Chief and the Transgender Bathroom issue to name a few. Worth the few minutes reading.


Friday, May 20, 2016

"Hilary's America" Trailer ...

Check out the trailer for Dinesh D'Souza's new movie about Hilary and the Democrats...


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Megyn Kelly Interview With Donald Trump

Watched last night's airing of the interview by Megyn Kelly of the Trumpster on the Fox channel. It was something to behold with the two sitting down, very close to each other, face to face within maybe a foot or two.

They discussed the first debate where Kelly asked the Donald about his name calling of women and then also about his treatment of her in response when things got pretty nasty.

Trump's response was basically that he felt blindsided. That it was his first debate and he didn't expect to be hit so hard. But then said it might have done him a favor as it prepared him for the future.

So though it seems the two have patched things up on the surface, no doubt there's still major animosity between them regardless of how cordial they appeared.

More Government Interference Over Private Industry

Though it looks and sounds good on the surface,  new regulations by the Obama administration which will allow salaried employees to be paid overtime,  will only hurt businesses, thus the economy in the long run.

How so?

Businesses will work around them by laying some people off and cutting hours for others in order to make up the financial difference. Just like they did when ObamaCare became law.

Why can't the administration let free enterprise and private markets do their own thing?

Here is a link to a WaPo article which goes into detail about the new regulations:


Friday, May 13, 2016

Reince Priebus, The Trumpster, Paul Rayn & The GOP Establishment

Just watched an interview on Fox N Friends with GOP Chairman Reince Priebus in regard to the recent meeting between presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

Several talking points were discussed and repeated over and over again by Priebus. The first was that the meeting went very well and was a positive one. That not all the wrinkles were ironed out but its a strong first step in working things out between the two.

Also noted by Reince was that the voters and delegates have spoken and they want Trump to be the nominee. That the GOP and all its different factions, including those who would prefer a third party candidate rather than The Donald, must come together and support him.

Last, Mr. Priebus said that the old GOP playbook is out the window since Trump entered the race.

Bottom line?

Trump is now in control. No doubt in my mind. Little by little the rest of the pieces will fall into place and the GOP will support, help fund and hope The Donald wins the race for the POTUS.

As an interesting side note in relation to Mr. Trump & the GOP Establishment's newly minted warm and fuzzy relationship. The reason I think Mr. Trump is talking so nicely with Paul Ryan, Priebus, etc. is that he wants to win obviously. But he also wants payback.

What am I talking about?

As all of us who have been following the presidential race knows, Mr. Trump has hammered home the fact over and over again that he is self funded. That he doesn't take money from wealthy businessmen, PACS or lobbyists and thus is beholden to no one. And his supporters love this. Gives the Trumpster street cred so to speak.

Well that's about to change.

Once the bulk of the GOP get 100% behind The Donald as the nominee, billions will be raised in order to win the race against presumptive Democrat nominee, Hilary Clinton. So yep, Trump will use funds other than his own money.

But there's another interesting fact. The Donald recently mentioned that he LOANED himself the funds to run in the primaries. Okay. So how is he going to pay himself back?

The GOP Establishment of course will do so out of the billions that will be raised to run against Hilary.

One last thought in relation to my point above.

How will The Trumpster continue to sincerely represent his loyal supporters with their passionate anti-Establishment stance since he will be taking money from them as well as playing by their rules? Will they even recognize that this is happening? And if so, will they care?

Gonna be very interesting. Stay tuned.

Ted Cruz's Op Ed In The NYT's

Last year I blogged several times about the Iran Deal, TPP, TPA and the Middle East in general. I wrote about how much of the details were kept secret, who voted for these bills, who opposed them and why many gave their support.  Check April, May and June of 2015 entries for details.

Fast forward to today and an op-ed piece written by Ted Cruz in the New York Times, who obviously is not going quietly into the night after his loss of the GOP primary race to The Donald. Here is the link to his educational and enlightening article about what's happening right now in relation to the above bills in respect to the Middle East, Israel and the U.S.:


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pros & Cons Of Being Donald Trump's Vice President

Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight show offers up the pros and cons to being the Veep for The Donald. Funny!


Friday, May 6, 2016

Ben Rhodes & President Obama

Here is a link to a NYT's article about one of the main characters in the Obama administration, Ben Rhodes, who has direct access and influence to the president, yet is rarely in the limelight and somewhat operates in the shadows. Who helps shape foreign policy, communications and spin. Whose power with Obama seems to know no bounds. Yet when hired, had absolutely zero political back round or foreign policy experience. And that, as you read on, explains a lot...

What he and the others, who are extremely close to the president do have,  is access to the president  and permission to communicate and shape the narrative about whatever Obama wants to put out there. They do so in covert ways via social media, manipulation of the press,  as well as with congress and other political entities.

No doubt this article gives an insider's peek into the world of Obama, how and why the Iran Deal was put together and the logistical maneuvering that takes place on a daily basis to enforce the ideals, policies, etc. of the president.

In other words, this is one powerful expose`and worth taking the time to read.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Familes Sue Over Transgender Bathrooms In Schools

Here's an excerpt from the Daily Signal.

"A group of 50 families whose children attend a high school in Illinois filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday, attempting to reverse a policy that allows a transgender student to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and other sex-specific facilities.

The families are challenging a policy at Township High School District 211 that was mandated by the U.S. Department of Education to accommodate the transgender student, who was born male but identifies as a female."

Hear, hear. Takes courage.

Obama & Trump On The Tonight Show

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Technology, The Economy & Politics

For all the presidential candidates talk about bringing jobs back to the States from overseas by cutting corporate taxes, regulations, closing the borders and imposing tariffs,  there is another influence that none of the candidates are talking about. And I wonder how they'll deal with it.

What is it?

The technological advances that are taking over or about to take over in the coming years. I'm talking about the advances made in robotics where in the near future, automated workers will replace people. Not just here, but around the world. A recent Yahoo article talks about this and we better take note. Click here for more details:


Another area where technology has become king is social media. It's been recently noted that Facebook sifts through ads, communications, etc. in order to block certain trending news stories via News Curators.  All you have to do is take note of the side bar to the right of your home page, where trending news items are listed. Since many of the huge technology companies have their political preferences, they have the power to influence the masses by what they allow on the sites or omit. Same with internet news websites. Take a look at Drudge, Huffington Post, Breitbart or the NYT's. This area also affects jobs, the economy and politics. Big time.  For more on this topic click here:


Then there's Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Youtube live streaming. No longer do we rely on network television or even cable movie sites for our video entertainment. As long as we have a wi-fi connection, we can watch just about anything, anytime we want. So why bother with the costs of running television stations, supported by advertising when there's pay per view or you can join Netflix or Amazon for a nominal fee and not have to suffer through endless commercials? Think about how this affects revenues of those in the traditional field of television, advertising and movie making? There's already a lot of competition in these areas and with these advancements will come additional loss of jobs.

Another area where technology is taking over  and affects jobs is the medical field. We now have FitBits, smart phone apps, laser non-invasive surgery, websites like WebMD and MayoClinic to help diagnose and in some cases treat ourselves. Consequently, do we really need to see our doctors/nurses/medical technicians as much as we have in the past? Additionally, do we still need long hospital stays due to outdated surgery procedures with the invention of out-patient surgery done with a local anesthesia where you're in/out in 24 to 48 hours? Again, this affects the job market.

One last area that needs to be mentioned in relation to the medical field. Since we can now order our meds online, this lets us bypass the run to the local pharmacy thus cutting more jobs from this area.

Or how about the slow decline of big box department and book stores? Why bother with those when you can hop online and buy just about anything your heart desires? With the invention of Kindle, etc. we can now instantaneously order whatever books we want. No need for hard copies. Same can be said for newspapers and magazines.

The list goes on and on.

No doubt with these advancements, there are new jobs and ones yet to be created. But does it help the current factory workers, clerks and cashiers at department stores, pharmacies or even fast food chains where already there are robots handling these jobs? Can any presidential candidate promise them jobs if they are not experienced in this field? Food for thought.

The bottom line is we are on the way to a whole new world and one I haven't seen addressed by any of our presidential candidates. They continue to talk about increasing jobs and making America great again,  but don't seem to be taking into account the age of technology and how it'll affect employment in the future.

And The Winner Is .... Donald Trump

Get ready folks for an even more outrageous political reality show than what we've recently witnessed now that Ted Cruz has dropped out of the race and The Donald taking over the mantle as the presumptive GOP nominee for POTUS.

As I sat last night watching Indiana's primary returns, I honestly thought it was going to be a tight race between Cruz and Trump. Wasn't sure who would win. Not even in my wildest dreams did I envision a wipe out by The Donald. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Don't get me wrong. I'm not surprised Trump won, but I'm definitely stunned by how many points he won by.

What was the margin? Something like 53% Trump, 32% Cruz. Double digits. The voters have spoken and they've decided they're in it for The Donald.

So buckle up. We're in for quite the ride and quite possibly the likes of which we have never seen before.

For those who missed both Cruz's and Trump's speeches last night, here are their links. First is Ted's, then Donald's:

