Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Trump Not Participating In Next GOP Debate

While watching tv this morning, I learned that the Donald has declined joining the next GOP debate to be held March 21st at 9pm on Fox News.


He claims he didn't know about it. That no one told him. That he already has a speech planned for that date and cannot reschedule. He also said that there's been plenty debates and enough is enough.

The crew on Fox N Friends faces looked devastated. In fact, one of them, Brian Kilmeade practically begged him to reconsider. The Donald then said how much he loves coming on their show, that they are wonderful people, but basically he cannot break his commitment.

The real reason? And this is strictly my opinion...

I think he does not want to duel with Megyn Kelly or Ted Cruz.

Though Megyn and Trump somewhat kissed and made up during the last debate, new animosity has come between them.


Because of the Breitbart reporter mess where Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski allegedly assaulted their reporter, Michelle Fields.

Kelly had her and Ben Shapiro and others on her show giving their side to the story and Trump doesn't like it. Plain and simple. And Trump (please forgive me if you're a fan) is nothing if not vengeful. He also doesn't like anyone challenging him. If they do, he double downs and strikes back twice as hard. So not coming to the next debate held on Fox is a form of punishment.

However, I think it is also a coward's way out to avoid confrontation about a subject he does not want to discuss. Especially as investigations are now going on and a police report has been filed.

The Trumpster has done the same with C-PAC. They wanted to control the timing and questioning of the presidential candidates' appearances and The Donald did NOT want to comply. Thus he said he had a previous commitment that he could not break and had to cancel.

The above, along with knowing Cruz would challenge and outshine him in a zillion ways is why The Donald is a questionable candidate as far as I'm concerned. If you can't take the heat. Get out of the kitchen.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Here's a tweet that followed Trump's announcement:

Dan Senor ‎‎@dansenor

AIPAC offered him multiple slots for Sun/Mon. @realDonaldTrump can be at debate & at AIPAC. He wants to skip debates …

8:56 AM - 16 Mar 2016 · Manhattan, NY, United States

March 16, 2016 at 7:57 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Here's a link to the whole Fox News/Megyn Kelly feud between them and The Donald. Read for yourselves Trump's tweets. Informative article...


March 16, 2016 at 8:03 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Oops. Link not complete. Here it is again:

March 16, 2016 at 8:04 AM  

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