Friday, March 11, 2016

GOP Debate

This will be short.

Watched the GOP debate last night on CNN and thoroughly enjoyed it. All four candidates did well, discussed the issues and did NOT get down and dirty. So refreshing! No doubt they've all decided it was time to play nice, for whatever reason. How long will this last? Who knows. But it sure was a relaxing break from all the mud slinging.

Did I learn anything new? Not really.

Than what's the point?

The point was to see how each candidate handled themselves. Do they contradict stances previously taken? How do they respond to challenges by their fellow candidates? Are they coherent and articulate? Could you trust them to do what they say they will do once in office?

This was, I think, the 11th or 12th GOP debate and the one candidate I've really come to admire is John Kasich. He's the only one who hasn't played nasty, has continually discussed policy and issues and has a long term, proven success record. If Cruz were not running, he'd be my guy. In fact, I think Ted should take note of Kasich, his easy going manner and the way he's stayed out of the fray and above it all. Think it would do him well...

Speaking of which.

Trump, Cruz and Rubio also did well. For once, The Donald kept his name calling to himself and actually looked somewhat presidential.

Cruz had some great lines also.

Rubio, having gone back to soaring patriotic rhetoric,  redeemed himself in my eyes.

Overall, though nothing new was said, last night's debate restored my faith that the GOP can come together, behave like adults rather than immature teenagers having a food fight and work for the good of the party and thus possibly beat Hillary, should she be the nominee. That's what it's really all about. Beating the Democrats and restoring sanity to the White House.


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