Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Anti-Trump Meeting At Sea Island

"Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute's annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering. "

"The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump"

Wow. Why so afraid of The Donald? Though I'm a Ted Cruz supporter and not crazy about the Trumpster, this meeting is a bit off-putting. It reminds me of the Bilderberg Conference which is held annually by major movers and shakers who in effect, try to predict and control world economic and political markets. There's something so NOT right about the Bilderberg conference or this meeting held in Georgia by some of the wealthiest businessmen and most powerful politicians in the country. What happened to the power of  We the People?  Shouldn't our elected officials represent us? And shouldn't our votes count and not be messed with? Food for thought...

If interested in reading the entire article by the Huffington Post, here's a link:


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