Friday, March 11, 2016

What's With The Drudge Report?

Being the  news and political junkie I am, I read ALOT of stuff online. Daily and often.  My favorite go to site?

The Drudge Report.

Nothing like it,  as it provides a varied compendium of headlines and fast breaking stories with corresponding links to just about every news website, pundit and blog on the planet. And as I've written before,  it drives the rest of the media's coverage whether it be via television, radio, the printed word or online sites. I've noted this time and again in my Blog.

With the above being said, I'll admit that The Drudge Report definitely leans to the right. And that's part of what I like about it, being the conservative/libertarian that I am.

But though Drudge definitely favors the GOP, he also offers links to articles/commentaries/stories that included all viewpoints, left and right. And I like that also.

But now there's one area where Drudge is clearly biased to the point where he's not reporting or including stories and links that reflect both sides. And that's in regard to the GOP presidential race. There's NO DOUBT he's a Trump fan. For weeks his top stories and headlines featured either positive coverage of The Donald or VERY negative stories with dramatic optics that show the opposition in an unflattering light.

An example. All this week there's been almost nothing but headlines with photos at the top of Drudge's home page showing Marco Rubio in very demeaning ways.

Also, this week, there's been a barrage of negative headlines about fellow presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

There's also been NOT ONE negative story or headline about Donald Trump. Zero. Zip. Nada.

No mistaking who Matt Drudge's gonna vote for.

One story in particular that Drudge has NOT reported on so far, is how Corey Lewandowski, who works for the Trump campaign, allegedly assaulted a female reporter from Breitbart News. And how The Donald denies it happened.

There's not a link, a headline or even a reference to what happened, anywhere on Drudge's site that I could find.

Something is SO not right about a major news reporting site omitting an important story like this.

For those interested, below is a link from an article posted on Breitbart, that includes an eye witness account from a Washington Post reporter telling what really happened.

As an aside, I've also noticed that Fox News has not been reporting about the incident either. That just about ALL of their coverage of Donald Trump has been positive and lacking in objectivity. Yes, Fox News definitely leans right also. And most of its' lineup feature political pundits who are paid to provide their opinions on their individual shows. And that's fine. You know exactly what you're getting and there's no smoke screen saying these shows are objective. But shouldn't the 6 o'clock news be different? Shouldn't it be an unbiased reporting of what's happening in the world?  In other words, just the facts?

Bottom line is that I no longer feel I can trust ANY media outlet to provide fair and balanced coverage of this presidential race. Not the Drudge Report, Fox News, CNN, WaPO, NYT's or even Breitbart (I've watched this site cover Trump VERY favorable up till The Donald's campaign guy's assault on their reporter).  All seem incapable of keeping their personal bias out of the picture.

Which leads me to wonder... What happened to the Fourth Estate as the press was once viewed?

Where are the journalists who report just the facts and leave their biases out of the picture?

And is it true, as some have stated, that it's now the media, the donor class and lobbyists who choose our political figures?

What happened to We The People? That is the million dollar question...


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