Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Presidential Election Update

Well,  it looks like The Donald is on his way to win the GOP nomination after winning Florida, Illinois and North Carolina in yesterday's primary race.

However, Cruz is right behind him and may win Missouri as The Donald is only 2/10 of a percent ahead of him. The race is still too close to call.

Meanwhile,  Kasich won his own state of Ohio, thus increasing his delegate count. Consequently, he seems determined to stay in the race, even if it's just as a spoiler. Of course he'll never admit to that.

Rubio dropped out after losing Florida.

For delegate counts,  check out this site which updates faster than another site I had given a link to awhile back. Here it is:

Meanwhile, there's lots of talk and rumors about how the establishment block of the GOP party is conniving to deny The Donald the nomination. I've heard Romney might jump in. Or that Paul Ryan, the new Speaker of the House might be drafted. I've also gathered that since Kasich mathematically cannot reach the correct delegate amount to win, the establishment might throw its weight behind Ted Cruz. Maybe even draft Marco as his running mate.

Other thoughts are that should The Donald run short of the required 1,237 votes needed to win the nomination, but come very close, there will be either a contested or brokered convention. That could be interesting.

What's the difference between contested and brokered convention? A lot.

If a contested convention, the delegates would keep voting till there's a clear winner. If a brokered one, that's where trouble could rear its ugly head. How so?

Cause a brokered convention is where the party 'powers that be' decide who the nominee will be. In other words, a deal would be made behind the scenes, without the input of We the people. Not good.

Could the above happen? Who the heck knows. Anything is possible in this current race. Anything.


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