Sunday, November 29, 2015

Trump Names Running Mate

Not surprised about who Trump has chosen as a running mate IF he wins the nomination. Read on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Where Does Your State Rank In Regards To Taxes?

The Tax Foundation, a non-patisan D.C. think tank has come out with its 2016 State Climate Tax Income rankings.

Here's an excerpt from the article written by The Daily Signal that explains the criteria used to access the rankings:

"The Tax Foundation index uses five different taxes as criteria in producing the rankings: individual income taxes, sales taxes, corporate income taxes, property taxes, and unemployment insurance taxes. Each state’s composite score reflects how well each system conforms to the key components of proper tax policy: broad bases and low rates."

The 10 best states to live in with the lowest taxes and most favorable to business?

Wyoming, South Dakota, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, Montana, New Hampshire, Indiana, Utah & Texas.

The 10 worst?

Maryland, Ohio,  Wisconsin,  Connecticut,  Rhode Island,  Vermont,  Minnesota, California, New York and New Jersey.

Interesting that a few of the governors who were or are still running for president have pretty bad rankings. Which candidates? Kasich from Ohio,  O'Malley from Maryland, Christie of New Jersey and George Pataki of New York.

Former candidates Rick Perry of Texas has done well keeping taxes low, while Bobbie Jindal, Governor of Louisana ranks closer to the bottom at 37.

Maine, btw ranks 34th.

To read the entire article and get the complete Index list, click on the link below:

Monday, November 23, 2015

15 GOP Celebrities

Thought it might be a good idea to lighten things up a bit with the following link to a list of 15 celebrities who are die-hard Republicans. Who would have thunk???

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Real Clear Politics 2016 Presidential Polls

Check out the recent conglomeration of presidential polls put together by Real Clear Politics. Seems like the numbers are beginning to change a bit on the GOP side of things. Interesting!

Muslim Dominated City Right Here In the U.S.A.

Very interesting article by the Washington Post about a city in Michigan and its transformation from a majority population of Polish/Catholic residents to one of Muslims. Food for thought...

Christmas and The Obama Administration

Just learned this morning that Obama's Department of Veterans Affairs in Virginia has banned the use of Christmas trees and wishing people a Merry Christmas in their facilities. Here's an excerpt from the actual notice that was sent via email:

"Public areas may only be decorated in a manner that is celebratory of the winter season. Displays must not promote any religion. Please note that trees (regardless of the types of ornaments used) have been deemed to promote the Christian religion and will not be permitted in any public areas this year."

Also learned that music must be secular.

Seems almost daily I read about some new form of political correctness, regulation or law restricting our freedom of expression. Where oh where is this country headed???

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Little Off Tropic: Genetically Engineered Salmon

The thought of growing and eating genetically engineered fish ie salmon sounds way too creepy to me. Just like the thought of eating most farmed raised fish is. Once you research and read about how the process works for farm raising any kind of seafood, no less engineering it in some fashion, you would never want to eat it. Worth taking some time to understand the process.

With the above being said, farm raised or genetically engineered seafood is and/or could be a lot cheaper and economical. So for folks on a budget or those who could care less about the process, go for it. That's what free markets are all about ... freedom of choice.

However, along with that freedom of choice the public should also be made aware of what it is they're eating and putting into their bodies with honest labeling. From what I've just read, there are no plans to label or identify the fish as genetically engineered as such by the FDA.  That's NOT right.

I don't know how things are labeled in your supermarket, but fortunately in mine, they label all the fish as to where it's from, whether it's farm raised or wild caught. So far, I'm safe. How about you? Something you might want to check out and research, especially if the genetically engineered salmon and/or other fish becomes a market viable product. Just saying.

U.S. House Of Representatives Passes Pause Bill For Syrian Refugees

At least for now, we can breathe a little easier with the House passing a bill yesterday to take a pause to review the vetting process of Syrian refugees slated to flood the U.S. The bill also has also been able to bypass a presidential veto threat from president Obama.

That's the good news.

The next hurdle of course is for the bill to pass the Senate. That's a little iffier.

For those interested in voicing your support of the bill, let our government know and call the U.S. Capitol at 202-224-3121. The Operator will ask what state you're from and transfer you to  the correct contact. The whole process will take about 2 minutes or so.

Maine Reduces Welfare, Food Stamps and EBT Benefits

Finally, some good news! Brief but fact filled article by the Daily Signal about how the state of Maine has introduced welfare reform with some great results. Three cheers for Mary Mayhew, Commissioner of Health and Human Services and Governor Paul LePage for sticking by their guns and not backing down to media and political pressure.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Where The Presidential Candidates Stand on Syrian Refugees

Here's a link to an article from ABC news that details where many of the 2016 GOP presidential candidates stood  in regards to accepting Syrian refuges into the U.S. BEFORE the Paris Terrorist attacks and then AFTER the attacks. Only one candidate listed, Ben Carson was against doing so right from the get-go. And two, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio were open to the idea IF the refugees could be vetted. The rest supported the idea of accepting refugees Before the attacks.

Tables sure have turned since the attacks with just about all of the candidates included in the article backing down on their previous stances.

Candidates not included in the story are Martin O'Malley, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul and former candidate Bobby Jindal. Interesting ...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Refugee Process

Below is an excerpt from a Heritage Foundation piece in regards to the refugee process. Looks like Obama/and or the Executive Branch and the State Department can decide who and how many we can allow into our country without a whole lot of input from Congress or We The People.

The U.S. Refugee System
U.S. law gives the executive branch near complete discretion on determining how many refugees can be admitted every year. The State Department sets the number each year based on the unrest in the world, though it can change the number at any point. Congress is to be consulted, but nothing in the process empowers Congress to stop or alter the State Department’s proposed levels. For each of the past several years, the U.S. has taken in about 70,000 refugees from around the world. Secretary of State John Kerry has announced an increase to 85,000 for 2016,[7] and to 100,000 in 2017.[8] At least 10,000 slots in 2016 will be reserved for Syrians.

The State Department then fields refugee requests, primarily coming from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State Department then run background checks and interview the refugee applicants.[9] If approved, the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services work with approved private-sector voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) to resettle refugees in the U.S.[10] The State Department estimates that it generally takes between 12 and 18 months from application to entering the U.S.[11].

To read the entire article click here:

Monday, November 16, 2015

LePage To Refuse Syrian Refugees

LePage is just one of several governors who has decided to put their foot down and not allow Syrian refugees to enter and settle in Maine. Hear, hear...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wake Up America ...

Here's a link to a brief but very informative and well written article about how America and President Obama needs to wake up to what's happening in the world of terrorism and do something about it before another 9/11 happens...

Obama's Refugees Coming To A State Or Town Near You ...

Here's a link to an article that provides an additional link to a list of where Middle East refugees will be welcomed into the U.S ... Hint, a few will be arriving in Portland, Maine ... Many in Massachusetts. Read on for the full list.

Act Of War

President Hollande of France has declared the terror attacks on Paris an act of war on France.

President Obama has publically announced his support of Hollande.

Will Obama actually commit to boots on the ground vs supplies, financial aid, air/drone strikes and just talk?  My bet is he won't. He'll continue to talk the talk but I highly doubt he'll walk the walk.

Here's a link to a Breitbart article on what happened in Paris.

Hilary, Bernie and Martin

Watched last night's Democratic debate. Seems the answer to all of America's problems according to Hilary, Bernie and Martin are to get the government involved even more than they already are. After the first hour or so, I have to admit I lost interest.  Plus, I literally could not stand the sound of Hilary's voice. It was like listening to fingernails scraping on the blackboard. No wonder there's to be be only a total of, I think, not sure, so don't quote me, 4 Democratic debates. The less the American public hears from Hilary, the more likely they'll vote for her. Can't help but believe that that's the Dems' strategy for her winning the nomination.

Oh, one more thing. The debate ended almost 10 minutes early, so CBS switched to commercials and a bit of a recap themselves to fill in the extra time. Hmmmmmmm ....

For those who  missed the debate or purposely chose not to watch but would like to know what was discussed  and a bit about how each candidate answered questions, here's a link to an NBC recap:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Democratic Debate Tonight

The Democratic debate will be held tonight on CBS at 9pm. It'll last 2 hours. Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley will be headlining.

Click here to live stream the debate if that's your preferred venue

Hope it's not another snoozer ...

Obama Fiddles ....

Black Lives Matters Movement Complaining!

Wow. Can't believe that the Black Lives Matters movement is complaining about how the Paris terrorist attacks are stealing the spotlight! Read on.

Obama To Increase Amount of Syrian Refugees Admitted Into The U.S.

I'm sorry folks, but there is something SO NOT RIGHT about President Obama and his stance on increasing the amount of refugees admitted into the United States, especially after last night's horrific terrorist attacks in Paris.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

PC Taking Over College Campuses

On a regular basis I seem to keep hearing how political correctness is taking over college campuses, large department stores, schools, etc. You name the topic and we better be darn sure to parse our words very carefully or the pc police will come after you. We're talking about anything from Christmas, to nationality, gender, race, accomplishments, foreign affairs, rights and on and on. In other words, it's getting really bad folks.

Here's a link to an excellent article written by Edmund Kozak of Lifezette. It's about the most recent rash of protests on college campuses and where we're headed:

FBI Investigation Into Hilary's Email Deepens

Here are excerpts from a Fox News article in regards to the continued and deepening investigation into Hilary Clinton's email.
"The FBI has expanded its probe of Hillary Clinton's emails, with agents exploring whether multiple statements violate a federal false statements statute, according to intelligence sources familiar with the ongoing case."
"Fox News is told agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison."

"This phase represents an expansion of the FBI probe, which is also exploring potential violations of an Espionage Act provision relating to "gross negligence" in the handling of national defense information."

If you want to read more, click here:

Drip, drip, drip...

A Different Kind Of Debate

What a difference Hosts and Moderators make!

Tuesday night's GOP debate held by the Fox Business network was all issues, all the time. No ticky tacky personal questions, jabs or instigating trying to get candidates to slice and dice each other. Questions were asked about the issues and the candidates for the most part answered with little or no poking at each other.  Like the Maine motto "The way life should be", well this debate was "The way debates should be".

The first debate held at 7pm between Jindal, Huckabee, Christie and Santorum was pretty interesting. I think Christie won, with Jindal in second place. Won't be surprised if Christie makes the cut the next go round to the upper tier. In fact, I was surprised he didn't make it this time as I thought he did quite well during the last CNBC debate.  My guess is that Huckabee and Santorum will try and hang in there, possibly hoping for cabinet posts or even VP opportunities. But most likely both will drop out eventually. Of course I could be wrong.  Time will tell.

As for the 2nd debate. I think Cruz and Rubio were standouts. Though I have to say it wasn't Rubio's best performance. Cruz seems to be  slowly on the rise and gaining attention as others start to fade, blunder or for whatever reason no longer dazzle constituents. His comments about how journalists would be in an uproar about the border, so to speak,  if there were a flood of illegal journalists coming in and taking their jobs. It really got the point across and was a hit with the audience also. Think Cruz has got things figured out and is going to continue to rise in the polls. Of course the knives will then come out for him (some have already been making appearances) but that's par for the course. It's all part of the vetting process.

Trump did okay. Though I'm not sure I'll ever really understand how he continues to poll well after each debate. Why?  Because his answers on many issues are just blanket statements about how things will be great again, etc. if he becomes president. Rarely any true or detailed substance.  But then again, I get why he's so appealing and wrote about it just the other day.

Carson? No harm done but not a stellar performance either.

Carly? She held her own. Her poll numbers will probably remain the same.

Bush? Eh ....

The rest? Barely hanging in there.

Bottom line, is that I think we're going to end up with a top tier fighting for the nomination of Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carly and maybe Christie. However, there are a lot more debates to come and who knows what scandal, blunders or screw ups could arise to topple any one of these candidates.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

GOP Debate tonight

Don't forget to watch the GOP presidential debate on the Fox Business channel. For more details and how to watch if you don't have cable access click the link below:

Monday, November 9, 2015

What's Happening On Some College Campuses

It's happening more and more that people of a patriotic bent are no longer allowed to express those beliefs if the PC police have anything to do with it. Very sad to see this happening to the land of the free and home of the brave...


Violence On The Mexican Border

Hard to look at picture but nothing brings it home more about the mess on the border than when you're forced to look at some of the consequences and reality of the problem.

ATF via Judicial Watch

To read the full story from Breitbart, click here:

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Donald On Sat Night Live

After watching bits and pieces of The Donald on Saturday Night Live, I've come to the conclusion that Mr. Trump's way of campaigning has all the elements of a political reality show.

He provides entertainment, grabs your attention, is unpredictable, can make you laugh and keeps you tuning in. His media savvy also has the advantage of providing him the lion's share of free political coverage whether it's television, radio, tweets or the internet, consequently often overshadowing the other candidates.

Here's a link to his monologue from last night's show. Lasts about 3 1/2 minutes and is pretty funny.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Where's Hilary ???

Not much time to write. On the run. But I've been noticing that Hilary seems to have disappeared from the scene.

Wonder if she's in conference with attorney's in regards to the FBI's ongoing investigation into the email situation? Everyone knows or thinks they know she's cleared the Benghazi hurdle due to her performance during the hearing, but it seems that the email violations are not going away, at least as far as the FBI goes.

Of course Obama stepped up to the plate and put his two cents during a 60 Minutes interview where he basically said that though she shouldn't have kept a private email account, she really didn't pose a national security danger. Really?

Could it be that some of those emails include ones that might implicate him or his legacy in a negative way? That he doesn't want to be exposed and thus letting the FBI know where he stands and is trying to influence things?

Still so many mysteries, questions and additional emails to analyze ...

Catching Up ... GOP Pres. Race, TPP, ObamaCare, Russian Plane Explosion, KeyStone XL Pipeline, etc.

Lots to catch up on since I last wrote over a week ago alerting everyone to the GOP debate to be aired on CNBC.

First in regards to the last debate. I thought it did our field of candidates a lot of good. United them against the moderators who were clearly antagonistic, biased and smug in their questions. And also made even those who vote left see how crazy their questions were. All candidates handled themselves well and with dignity, smarts and even a bit of humor. No doubt, a win for our side.

Winners of the above debate? Rubio, Cruz, Christie. Many think The Donald did well and the polls do show this, but I disagree. Once again he showed that he does not do well when not in a one-on-one interview and/or in control. Carson did fine. Fiorina did well. The rest, especially Bush were lackluster.

Will be very interesting to see how next week's GOP debate held by the Fox Business Network will go. Hopefully it'll be issue oriented vs the personal emphasis as demonstrated on CNBC.

The TPP  bill once again has been in the news with Rubio and Carson supporting and Cruz and Trump against. The 2,000 page bill has just recently been made public giving everyone time to digest. From what I can tell so far,  it's not a shoe-in to pass. Will be interesting to see how things go.

ObamaCare is in big financial trouble according to several reports. Here's an informative article by National Review that explains:

Next up is the Russian plane explosion. Looks like a bomb was smuggled onto the plane, exploded mid-air killing all passengers and was no doubt a terrorist attack. Putin has haulted all flights to Egypt till more is learned. For more on the latest, here's a link to an UK Guardian article:

Keystone XL Pipeline progress. Yesterday president Obama rejected the proposed pipeline siting Secretary of State John Kerry's view that supporting it is not in the country's national security interest. Here's a CNN link for details:

In addition to all of the above are still issues in regards to the border, the poor economy, the continuation of the Black Lives Matters movement and of course the constant barrage of news regarding one GOP presidential candidate or another. So what's going on with the race?

As of now, the GOP has gone back to bickering and attacking one another (so much for the united front shown at the CNBC debate) initiated by Donald Trump. Since The Donald is slipping in some polls with Ben Carson surpassing him, he's going on the attack. In turn,  with the Dems seeing Carson as a real threat, they've started digging into his past and questioning whether he really was offered a scholarship to West Pt. as stated. Carson is fighting back. Also being attacked by The Donald and the left is Marco Rubio for being careless with his personal finances. So many of the top tier candidates are either attacking and/or fighting against or with each other or defending themselves against attacks from the left. And it's only going to worse. Tis the season as we come closer and closer to the first primary in NH early next year.

One last note in regards to the GOP race and candidate Carly Fiorina. The ladies from The View attacked her saying she had a 'demonic looking face' during the debate. How high school! Carly retaliated and dared them to have her back on the show. They did and she showed them for the petty, catty and superficial women they are. Three cheers for Fiorina.

More commentary and updates coming as time allows!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't Forget to Vote Tomorrow Mainers!

Of special importance is that you vote NO on question #1 tomorrow. See Tuesday, October 16's entry as to why by scrolling down to the 4th or 5th entry.