Friday, November 20, 2015

A Little Off Tropic: Genetically Engineered Salmon

The thought of growing and eating genetically engineered fish ie salmon sounds way too creepy to me. Just like the thought of eating most farmed raised fish is. Once you research and read about how the process works for farm raising any kind of seafood, no less engineering it in some fashion, you would never want to eat it. Worth taking some time to understand the process.

With the above being said, farm raised or genetically engineered seafood is and/or could be a lot cheaper and economical. So for folks on a budget or those who could care less about the process, go for it. That's what free markets are all about ... freedom of choice.

However, along with that freedom of choice the public should also be made aware of what it is they're eating and putting into their bodies with honest labeling. From what I've just read, there are no plans to label or identify the fish as genetically engineered as such by the FDA.  That's NOT right.

I don't know how things are labeled in your supermarket, but fortunately in mine, they label all the fish as to where it's from, whether it's farm raised or wild caught. So far, I'm safe. How about you? Something you might want to check out and research, especially if the genetically engineered salmon and/or other fish becomes a market viable product. Just saying.


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