Thursday, June 14, 2018

Shawn Moody Wins GOP Gubernatorial Vote

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Threats From Rosenstein

This is scary if these allegations are true re: Rod Rosenstein ... And something tells me they are.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Obama & Nothing But Lies, Lies And More Lies

Just read Marc Thiessen's piece about the many times President Obama has lied to the public, congress & the media in regard to Iranian financial transactions within the U.S. either initiated or supported by the former POTUS.

Why aren't these acts by the former president front and center within the Justice Department, Congress and the Media in general???

Please take the time to read. The more people are aware of the crazy actions by Obama, the better the chance he might be brought to justice.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

POTUS Trump's Achievements

If anyone gives you a hard time about President Trump, quote some of the achievements listed in the article below by the Washington Examiner. And if they're an Obama fan, after you mention a few of Trump's accomplishments,  ask what Obama has done that has affected the world in a positive way. My bet is that they'll stumble and mumble at first for a bit, then start harping on and demonizing The Donald cause that's all they have...


Monday, June 4, 2018

GOP Primary Debate This Week

Be sure to watch the upcoming GOP gubernatorial candidates debate this coming Thursday, June 7th at 8pm on WMTV. Last opportunity to see them all in action before primary day on June 12th.

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Race For Maine Governor

Here are links to the websites of GOP candidates running for Governor of Maine. Read up and see which one deserves your vote in the upcoming June 12th primary.

Mary Mayhew

Sean Moody

Garrett Mason

Kenneth Fredette

Russian Collusion & Donald Trump? I don't think so...

Here is a very well thought out, well written piece by Andy McCarthy of the National Review about the whole Russian Collusion fiasco.