Sunday, March 25, 2018

All For Tariffs

A lot of people are forecasting doom and gloom in regards to the recent Trade Tariffs initiated by President Trump.

The globalists swear consumer prices will go through the roof and that the sky will fall economically.

That this decision is a big mistake and will backfire.

I disagree.

Many countries, especially China have taken advantage of us for eons. They steal our intellectual property, pump tons of steel and other products into our economy without paying the price, while we in turn, don't get to do the same.

Will there be some negative repercussions down the road? Probably.

However, I'm willing to overlook that prices of some our imported goods will increase in exchange for growing our own economy. Or that some countries in turn, may up their prices/tariffs as a result.

With the above being said, we just can't continue to appease every country cause we're afraid they'll retaliate.

We have to take stands whether it's with enacting trade tariffs, increasing our military strength or insisting that we will no longer be taken advantage of in so many ways.

I want to see America become a world leader again. I want America respected again. And I want to make America Great Again.

So let's see where the tariffs take us. Give it time. We can always back off if it turns out to be the wrong decision.

Trumps Signs 1.3 Trillian Dollar Budget After Threatening To Veto

Was out and about in my car listening to the radio when I first learned that though President Trump had threatened to veto the latest spending bill, he decided in the end to sign it.

My first reaction upon hearing this was total disappointment. I thought, where is the warrior president I voted for ? Where's the deal maker, the fighter, the in your face, no holds barred Donald I've come to love and admire?

Has he given up? Joined the Swamp?

Could he have possibly been tricked into signing this monstrosity of an omnibus bill by appealing to his Achilles Heel ie the Military, which in turn gave him no choice? With all the craziness re: North Korea, China, Iran and Russia, I definitely understand increasing defense funds.

Do you know what else is in the bill besides military cash?

Money to build walls in the Middle East.
Money for Planned Parenthood.
Money for a new tunnel between NY & NJ.
Money for Congressional pay raises and their aides.
Money for all kinds of needless studies overseas.

The list of pork goes on and on and on.

Know what's NOT in this bill?

Money for any of the proto-type border walls needed to protect our country. Yes, there's money for some fencing and electronic surveillance but not for what I would define as REAL WALLS that'll prevent illegals, drug dealers, etc. from continuing to sneak into the U.S.

The budget signed by President Trump is a Democrat's dream. Chuck and Nancy must be floating on air right now.

What did we get? Other than tons of money for the military (which again, I'm all for), basically NOTHING.

There's no doubt in my mind that The Donald felt he HAD to sign. That he was also really conflicted about doing so.

By the way, the 2,200 plus page bill came out only hours before the time came to sign or else shut down the government.

No doubt the Dems as well as some republicans have been planning this ambush for quite some time.

And NO doubt McConnell and Ryan knew what was in it and what was not and played huge roles in convincing the POTUS that he really had no choice BUT to sign or our military would pay the price.

One possible saving grace was that Mr. Trump did say he would NEVER sign another bill/budget like this again. But did he REALLY need to in the first place?

I really don't know...

Bottom line.

Though I'm incredibly disappointed in our President for signing the bill, the jury is still out as far as how I feel about him.

Unlike many who have voiced their opinions (see link below to Rush Limbaughs' radio show where callers' opinions are printed out as well as Rush's) and are now swearing they will no longer continue to support him.

I am not giving up on Trump just yet. He has done a lot of good during his short time in office that I am thankful for. And I think he deserves and probably needs our support.

Besides, it we bail out on Trump, who's left that we can trust and rely on???

Below are links to the Rush Limbaugh show commentary on the above topic as well as a thorough report on the bill from the conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another School/Mass Shooting In Maryland

How many more mass shootings will there be before there's a serious look into the cause and effect of prescribed medications almost every shooter was on or was just getting off - before the media,  the government and most important of all, the pharmaceutical companies acknowledge the pattern and and connection between acts of violence and the rising use of prescribed psychiatric drugs ???

I fear the above may never happen.


Because Big Pharma has incredibly powerful lobbying groups in DC who fund political campaigns and they also provide major advertising revenue for most television/media outlets.  Neither want to lose their cash cows. Thus. Silence.

Below is a link to an article by Business Insider that addresses this topic.