I don't have a lot of time to write, but I've had a long running theory, which is backed up by recent research, that a lot of the mass shootings we're seeing today, especially by young people are by those who have mental health issues and on anti-depressants.
Yet NO ONE seems to be investigating this common thread.
Is it because Big Pharma are huge advertisers on tv, radio, websites and have powerful lobbying groups in D.C. that none dare to question them?
And what about the opioid crisis with an abundance being prescribed like aspirin?
A case in point. My son had an appendectomy awhile back. He's young, healthy and recovered quickly. YET he was prescribed 30 days of pain killers! That's crazy. Thankfully he took 2 pills and that was it. Threw the rest out.
There's something going under the radar and it involves pharmaceutical companies and over- prescribing of pain killers, anti-depressants, etc. And again, NO ONE is really talking about it.
Will be interesting to see if we learn whether the Mass Shooter at a school in Parkland, Fla just yesterday was on anti-depressants...
Here are a couple of links discussing the increase in mass shootings and prescribed psychiatric drugs.