Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another FNC Host Accused Of Sexual Harrassment ...

Could it be true? Could Eric Bolling be so stupid as to text explicit pics to co-workers and think he could away with doing so? I hate to think so.

With the above accusation being noted and possibly true, it DOES seem quite coincidental that since Murdock's 2 sons, (both liberals as far as I know) have taken over FNC, they've been cleaning house and one by one getting rid of truly conservative hosts, reporters, etc.

In fact, in the very recent past, there were serious accusations about Sean Hannity. But he fought back tooth and nail, won and still has his show. For how long though? What kind of dirt or innuendo might be dug up to get him off the air down the road?

I hate to sound conspiratorial, but it seems extremely coincidental that since the brothers' took over, all this drama is taking place with major conservative personalities being ousted for whatever reason.

Or was/is FNC really that much of a hotbed of narcissistic, stupid, self important hosts and/or personalities, who felt/feel they could sexually harass women and get away with it? That the powers that be would cover for them?

Here's a link to the latest. Let me know what you think.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Since posting, Eric Bolling has struck back and hired legal help. I'm beginning to smell a rat big time. But not so much at Fox or the Murdock Brothers as I originally posted. It's larger than that. Stayed tuned.

August 10, 2017 at 5:57 AM  

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