Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why Gorka Left The Trump Administration

Don't have much time to go into detail, but Gorka's resignation is just another casualty in the shake out of Conservative Trump supporters by the Swamp-like constituency currently serving the White House.

Now that Steve Bannon and Gorka are out, I wonder who will leave next?

As it is, many now in the inner circle are Dems and seem to be controlling the puppet strings. Makes me wonder if Trump's still in control ....

Keep in mind that though John Kelly (Chief of Staff) is listed as an Independent, he's NOT. And many of Trump's key cabinet positions are NOT held by those who want to MAGA. They want to continue the status quo of years past.

All of the above has me a bit nervous and worried that the Swamp may be slowly taking over what started out to be the take charge, DRAIN the Swamp mentality and goal.

Here's a link to the Gorka interview by the Washington Free Beacon which is just another piece of a larger picture described above.

Bret Bozell - The Slow Death Of The Republican Party

Here's a link from Breitbart's interview with Bret Bozell. I found myself constantly saying, wow, he's SO right on the money....

Monday, August 28, 2017

Bannon To Start New Conservative TV Station ???

Boy, I hope this article is accurate. Would love to see Steve Bannon start a new conservative television station to compete with Fox News.  I'd switch to it in a heartbeat!

Here's the scoop:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Arizona Speech By President DJT

Again, if  you missed the President's speech last night in Arizona, here's a link.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

POTUS Trump's Speech On Afghanistan

For those who missed it,  here's a link:

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Recent Protests

"I might disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Often attributed to Voltair but originated by C.S. Tallentyre

If Only More People Understood What Mr. Boetcker Has Said Below ...

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

John Henry Boetcker

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Google's Ideological Echo Chamber

Absolutely fascinating and thought provoking article written by James Damore, former engineer at Google, about its diversity policies. Since he didn't provide an echo chamber of Google's views/policies, he's been fired. The hypocrisy of Google and the Left never ceases to amaze me. Mind boggling how blind SO many can be...

Document is 10 pages, but worth reading.  Ayn Rand would be proud...

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another FNC Host Accused Of Sexual Harrassment ...

Could it be true? Could Eric Bolling be so stupid as to text explicit pics to co-workers and think he could away with doing so? I hate to think so.

With the above accusation being noted and possibly true, it DOES seem quite coincidental that since Murdock's 2 sons, (both liberals as far as I know) have taken over FNC, they've been cleaning house and one by one getting rid of truly conservative hosts, reporters, etc.

In fact, in the very recent past, there were serious accusations about Sean Hannity. But he fought back tooth and nail, won and still has his show. For how long though? What kind of dirt or innuendo might be dug up to get him off the air down the road?

I hate to sound conspiratorial, but it seems extremely coincidental that since the brothers' took over, all this drama is taking place with major conservative personalities being ousted for whatever reason.

Or was/is FNC really that much of a hotbed of narcissistic, stupid, self important hosts and/or personalities, who felt/feel they could sexually harass women and get away with it? That the powers that be would cover for them?

Here's a link to the latest. Let me know what you think.

Corruption Knows No Bounds In The Former Obama Administration

Here's yet another tidbit of info gleaned from a Powerline article in regard to the Clinton/Lynch airport tarmac meeting.

I'm hoping that some day, justice will be served to all parties involved in the massive amount of deception, lies and corruption in the Democrat party, its presidents and cabinet members along with current positions held in all political departments in D.C.

Friday, August 4, 2017

McMaster, NS Advisor Gave Susan Rice Top Secret Clearance

I'm thinking the puzzle may be solved or at least partially solved in regard to some of the leaks in our POTUS' administration. Drain The Swamp!

Read on...

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Double Rainbow Over The White House

A good sign ?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Dick Morris On Obama War Room

Article and video on how Obama has a War Room set up 2 blocks from the White House to try and destroy Trump. Heard about this, but wasn't sure if it was fake news or not. From the sound of Morris' video, thinking it's for real. If so, not surprised...