Friday, December 30, 2016

LePage Named Most Fiscally Responsible Governor In U.S.

Yes, it's true! Thanks to the Cato Institute for recognizing Maine's Governor. He deserves it. Couldn't be more proud.

End Of The Year Thoughts ...

Now that the busy pace of the holiday's are just about over, I have more time to write. Here's a plethora of thoughts on various topics. Expect no rhyme or reason as far as order or topics go. Below is just stuff I've been noting and thinking about but haven't had the time to blog about till now.


While out and about Christmas shopping, running errands, going to the gym, etc. I noticed a huge increase in the number of people wishing me a MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Gone was the HAPPY HOLIDAY mantra. Seems it's now okay to say MERRY CHRISTMAS. Even in parts of very liberal Maine. Must be the Trump Affect!


Amazing how hard the LEFT is trying to hold onto power since The Donald won the presidency.

They've tried recounts, they've tried convincing people that the electoral vote should be abolished and now they're trying to discredit Trump's win by saying he only did so because the Russian's hacked into the system and messed things up.

Forget that they had a lousy candidate. Forget the CONTENT of the emails hacked into (by whomever. I personally think it was an inside job by someone who HATES Hillary). Forget that We The People were sick and tired of political correctness, the poor economy, illegal immigrants flooding our country, the numerous terrorist attacks that the current POTUS refuses to call by name and on and on.

Many may disagree with me, but I think the hacking DID help the Trumpster to a certain extent. But I don't believe for a second that Mr. Trump's win was strictly due to negative info learned about Hillary and her minions from these email.

He won because it was his time. And for the promises he made to help solve the issues I talked about above. And because he spoke directly to the people and seemed to genuinely care about them.

Now Obama's trying to make things difficult for Trump by creating havoc with Israel.


He's mad. He's angry. He wants revenge. So he's going to continue to try and sabotage Mr. Trump every step of the way.

Another topic I want to address is the amount of executive orders put into action by Obama. The list goes on and on. Just for example,  did you know that the federal government now owns almost 85% of Nevada? And a huge portion of Utah? Why is that and how can that be? Look to our current president for answers.

Full a full list of all the executive orders that Obama has enacted,  click on the link below. You won't believe it.

Fortunately, many can be repealed or undone by the incoming president. But some cannot.

Last, I want to talk about President Elect Trump's Cabinet choices.

Love just about every single one of them. He's chosen people by merit. There's Generals, obscenely successful titans of industry, a few passionate politicians who I think truly love this country and various advocates who have the very same high standards as Mr. Trump does.

Now that we're just about ending 2016 and entering 2017, I want to say I am full of hope.

For all the negativity from the MSM, left leaning political pundits, university professors, the crybaby millennnials, DC lobbyists & those in fierce opposition to President Elect, I know he'll do a good job and will try his best to turn things around.

Why do I feel so confident about our newly elected president?

Because look at what he's done to get where he is. He fought off 16 other candidates and a massive amount of opposition from so many and from all sides.  Mr. Trump has the confidence, foresight and can do attitude we need. Plus he's a business man who knows how to get the most out of a dollar and the best out of those who work for him.

Is Mr. Trump perfect?

Not by a long stretch. I still think he's thin skinned, can be petty, not to mention his massive ego. But that very same ego will be what motivates him to do his best. He likes being a winner. He expects nothing less from himself or those who work with him. And that's why he'll be successful. He'll want to leave lasting change, to go down in history as one of the great presidents and in order to do so, he'll work his heart out and inspire others to do so also.

He has created a movement. And one I think will have lasting effects on our country.

Of course it won't be a walk in the park. The Dems, including Mr. Obama (whom is staying put in DC and no doubt will run a shadow government in opposition) will do their best to put up roadblocks to prevent Mr. Trump's success.

However, I see their opposition backfiring. And one by one, they'll either change their tune and will want to be part of the Trump train or they'll lose office the next time they run if seen as part of the opposition.

Of course I could be WAY out of line and a year or two from now, kicking myself for making such  affirmative statements. But my gut tells me I'm right.

Only time will tell of course.

So that's it for my end of the year thoughts. Have a wonderful New Year everyone and think BIG, like The Donald! 2017 is gonna be HUGE.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Can't Believe Kerry Said This ....

Just read a brief article that quotes John Kerry, Obama's SOS, saying the following in a speech made today:

"Israel can either be Jewish or Democratic, but it cannot be both".

Who the heck is he to tell Israel what they can or cannot be???? The pompous, arrogant, condescending and self serving behavior of those in Obama's administration never cease to amaze me.

Only a few more weeks to go and a new administration will take over. I can't wait.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Trump & The Media

Looks like the NYT, along with other MSM,  are getting a bit testy about President Elect Trump's lack of kowtowing to them.  Dressed in polite language and under the guise of tradition and protocol, the article clearly transmits the NYT's displeasure with being left out of the loop by the POTUS elect. The power they once held is slowly eroding, they know it and don't like it.  Not one bit.

More on this topic when time. Meanwhile, here's the link to the above.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Senators' Susie Collins and Angus King Recent Legislative Actions

Interested in seeing what Maine Senators' Collins and King have been up to lately? Check out the link below.

Friday, December 23, 2016

POTUS Elect Donald J. Trump's Cabinet Choices

Here's a Wikipedia link that provides the most updated cabinet choices and executive office positions made by President Elect Trump. So far, I'm loving just about all of them.

Still to be decided are the Veterans Affairs and Agriculture departments.

Three cheers for Kelly Ann Conway as Counselor to the President!

Obama To Attack POTUS On Day One

Here's a very brief article from the Conservative Tribune quoting remarks made by Rush Limbaugh on how our current Commander In Chief will attack and try to undermine POTUS Trump from day one. Forget all the polite talk we're hearing now from Mr. Obama.  He's not going to go quietly into the night...

President Elect Donald Trump's Inauguration Schedule Of Events

The swearing in of President Elect Donald J. Trump as the 58th POTUS is right around the corner. If interested, below is a link to all of the events. Can't wait. Hello Donald. Goodbye Obama!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

No Doubt The Donald Deserves The Accolade

Photograph by Nadav Kander for TIME

Monday, December 5, 2016

Why President Elect Trump Met With Romney

I think Gina Loudon of WND could be right with her analysis of why President Elect Trump really met with Romney versus the public reason ie to vet him as a possible candidate for the SOS position.

Of course she could be wrong. Especially since The Donald is so unpredictable,  but I think she very well may be on to something.

Read on...

4 Globalists Down, 1 To Go ...


Interesting article by the UK's Independent. It talks about how with President Obama's term about to end, the UK's PM, David Cameron stepping down after BREXIT passed, Italy's PM Matteo Renzi resigning and France's President Hollande announcing he won't seek re-election,  the power players for globalism are quickly becoming a thing of the past. General Chancellor, Angela Merkel of Germany appears to be the last globalist leader standing in a world changing rapidly.

The above is a good thing. The pendulum is swinging to the right. Now there's a chance to turn things around economically and make the world a better place.

By the way, the article incorrectly states that President Elect Donald Trump called the President of Taiwan. NOT TRUE. She called him to congratulate him. End of story.

I think it was awesome that he took the call regardless of how the left says it's a huge mistake and will mess up relations with China. In fact, taking the call shows that the U.S. is no longer intimidated by China and will stand independently and do what's right for America.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Let's Try It Again! ... It's The Most Wonderful 8 Years

Fun video celebrating Donald Trump's presidential win!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

President Elect Trump In Ohio

Watching President Elect Donald J. Trump on his Thank You tour in Ohio. The man is on fire and very inspirational. History making...

Watch here: