Tuesday, September 27, 2016

First Presidential Debate

Don't have a lot of time but wanted to put my two cents in about last night's presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump before much time passes.

Overall, I don't think we learned anything new about either candidate. Both were clearly coached and pretty much stuck to their talking points.

Hillary remained cool, calm, collected and almost robotic for the most part. Though there were moments where her reptilian gaze focused on Trump's face with total contempt. No doubt a picture speaks a thousand words. However, the majority of time she plastered a smile on her face regardless of what was said.

Trump was well ... Trump. Loved watching his face while Hillary spoke. Such a range of expressions in contrast . Also enjoyed the wit and humor he sometimes injected in response to some of her biting accusations. For instance when Hillary complained about how The Donald hasn't paid any federal taxes in years. Trump quipped "That makes me smart." There were other such responses. All said in an unassuming and light hearted manner. I liked that. Last, Trump, to his credit,  refrained from acting out and giving fodder to his enemies so they can declare he hasn't the temperament to be president.

Getting down to business.

Donald's high point was when the economy was discussed. This is where he shined. His remarks about how the Fed is playing politics in regards to interest rates is right on the money. As were his remarks that we are in a financial bubble and trouble is ahead. His plan to reduce corporate taxes and regulations and renegotiate trade deals, though nothing unique, hit home.

I also liked Trump's stance on stop and frisk. Which, btw,  Lester Holt said was deemed unconstitutional. Not true! At least according to a few legal sources quoted in the news.

In addition I completely agree with The Donald about how Hillary & Obama are responsible for what's happening in the Middle East, how they created a vacuum and basically gave ISIS the chance to take over. That we should have grabbed the oil fields long ago when the opportunity existed in order to cut off financial supply to the terrorists, which is their life blood.

In comparison, Hillary pretty much echoed Obama socialistic policies and platitudes of how we need to make the economy more fair, raise the minimum wage, improve infrastructure, increase profit sharing in corporate America, institute paid family leave, provide debt free college to all and that companies need to pay more of their fair share of taxes. And who may I ask will pay for all of that? The very same people the Dems claim they want to help.

Though there's much more to write and say about last night's debate, I need to wrap things up and get on my way.

So here's the bottom line.

I feel the debate was a true draw for the most part. Neither candidate hit it out of the ballpark and was a clear winner. Neither did any candidate make any huge blunder that will ruin them. I also don't think either Donald nor Hillary will have changed the hearts and minds of those on the other side of the aisle.

However, with the above being said, I do feel that overall Donald Trump comes off as more likeable and human than his opponent. Add to that his success in the business world as compared to Hillary's lack of any true success, anywhere and the Donald comes out ahead. That he might just convince a few undecided and/or Independents to give him a shot.

One additional note. Polls were taken after the debate to see if either candidate had won. The few I checked are as follows:

Drudge Poll:  Something like 82% Trump, 17% for Hillary; Time: 53% Trump, 47% Hillary; CNBC, 66% Trump, 34% Hillary.

Will be interesting to check out more polls as time marches on.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

More polls about who won the debate:

Pix11 DT 54% HC 41%; N.J.Com DT 53.4% HC 41.74%; Michigan Live DT 52.2%, HC 47.7%; Fortune DT 52% HC 49%

September 27, 2016 at 1:25 PM  

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