Friday, May 6, 2016

Ben Rhodes & President Obama

Here is a link to a NYT's article about one of the main characters in the Obama administration, Ben Rhodes, who has direct access and influence to the president, yet is rarely in the limelight and somewhat operates in the shadows. Who helps shape foreign policy, communications and spin. Whose power with Obama seems to know no bounds. Yet when hired, had absolutely zero political back round or foreign policy experience. And that, as you read on, explains a lot...

What he and the others, who are extremely close to the president do have,  is access to the president  and permission to communicate and shape the narrative about whatever Obama wants to put out there. They do so in covert ways via social media, manipulation of the press,  as well as with congress and other political entities.

No doubt this article gives an insider's peek into the world of Obama, how and why the Iran Deal was put together and the logistical maneuvering that takes place on a daily basis to enforce the ideals, policies, etc. of the president.

In other words, this is one powerful expose`and worth taking the time to read.


Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Here's a response to the NYT's article from Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas via the Washington Examiner. Couldn't agree more ...

May 6, 2016 at 5:36 AM  
Blogger Candle in the Wind said...

Oops. Forgot to include the link:

May 6, 2016 at 5:37 AM  

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