Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ryan's Omnibus Bill

I'll give you the link to read the details, but here's a brief synopsis of the current omnibus bill by Paul Ryan, our new Speaker. And he's supposed to be a conservative? I don't think so. I'll be totally disgusted if this passes.

Here's what the bill would fund:

Sanctuary cities

Work permits and federal benefits for thousands of illegals

Refugee Re-Settlement (of which Rubio agrees on)

All Middle East immigration programs that have been used by terrorists over the years ie student and fiancé visa's and will do nothing to limit these from Jihadist countries

Schumer/Rubio Gang of Eight provision to increase H-2B visa's which encourages denying jobs to Americans by U.S. corporations

Tax credits for illegal adults with children

No money to continue and finish building the border wall promised back in 2006

Read on if you want more specifics:


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